Before Day One: First-Year Students' Creating their Path Towards Civic Engagement Presenters: Brandon Martin Graduate Assistant for Civic Engagement Cara Daniello Student, LIS Kerry Duda Community Service Center student staff Ramapo College of New Jersey 2012 American Democracy Project National Conference Saturday, June 9 th 1:30 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. Concurrent Sessions Conference Room 3
Scenario Please take a minute to read the scenario on the handout provided, and jot some notes down about the types of workshop, activities, programs and experiences you think would be effective to introduce this group of incoming students to civic engagement and leadership.
A Brief History: Created in Summer 2010, only scholars were invited to participate; 13 students. Evolved in 2011 so that all incoming first- year students were to be invited. For LIS, 35 students were selected to participate from 55 applications.
Leaders in Service Schedule Tuesday August 23 rd – Saturday August 27 th
Leaders in Service (2011) Continued with monthly civic engagement events throughout academic year
LIS students have been the backbone of Community Service/Civic Engagement projects 5 students are part of Ramapo’s first Living Learning Community Several students are officers on their floor/building with the Residence Hall Association Several students were inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta 1 st -Year Student Honor Society Several students have been part of the Ramapo Student Ambassadors with Admissions 2 students have been part of the SGA’s Delegate program 1 student has been first Fledge mascot 2 students have a very popular radio show on WRPR 2 students are two of the three finalists for the Ramapo Board of Trustees Student Alternate; one was selected 1 student has been part of the Executive Board of the College Programming Board Collectively amassed over 500 hours of Community Service this academic year 3 students attended the Active Citizens’ Conference at William and Mary 2 students are among the three students who are piloting VOAD 9 students were among the 53 students who attended Alternative Break trips 1 student has been part of the Ramapo News 1 student created and implemented Ramapo’s first World Peace Day on April 16th 1 student has been a student rep. to the American Democracy Project (Cara) 1 student was the winner of the first ADP Civic Engagement essay contest Several students were recently selected to be Resident Assistants for next year 3 students are among the five 1 st -Year students receiving awards at the 2012 Student Leadership Awards Dinner Several students were leaders of the First-Year Student Challenge
Created in Summer 2011 Year-long initiative between first-year residence hall floors Goal: to compete in a challenge that involves active community service and campus engagement. First-Year Student Challenge (FYSC)
FYSC Charge Two parts: 1)Floor Service Project Students will select a charity or organization that they will partner with throughout the year to help achieve the mission and goals of the organization. 2) Floor Points Students will earn points by checking-in at designated on- campus events that either; are related to civic engagement or enhance the first year experience.
Winners Received: 1 st Place: $1,000 to spend on whatever the floor decides $300 to donate to charity or organization they have been working with *Reception at Havemeyer House with President Peter Mercer 2 nd Place: $600 to spend on whatever the floor decides $200 to donate to the charity of their choice 3 rd Place (not awarded): $300 to spend on whatever the floor decides $100 to donate to the charity of their choice
Conversation Now that you know about our first-year civic engagement initiatives at Ramapo College of NJ: What would you do differently to enhance the program? (What would you add? Eliminate?) Is your institution currently offering similar programs and initiatives? What can you do to bring either Leaders in Service or the First-Year Student Challenge to your campus?