Ayrfield Parish Communicating on the Parish Pastoral Plan January 2009 Shane Halpin Pastoral Worker.


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Presentation transcript:

Ayrfield Parish Communicating on the Parish Pastoral Plan January 2009 Shane Halpin Pastoral Worker

Prayer When people are genuinely led by the Spirit, they will not seek their own fulfilment, rather they will seek what is best for others, for their parish, for the Church and for the World. (Think Big Act Small 2005)‏

Context  What is the background to this?  Survey sent to all parishioners in July 2008  Three consultation evenings September 2008  Two Parish Pastoral Council Meetings October and November 2008

We broke Parish into 5 areas Worship Community Life FormationOutreachAdministration

Situation in Ayrfield STRENGTHS  Active and Involved community  Cool Side of God and Family Mass Youth Group  Adoration  Good collaboration with Schools  Good communication with Ayrwaves  Sacramental preparation for Baptism and First HC  Bereavement support  Excellent resources e.g pastoral centre, pastoral worker  Large young population in parish

Situation in Ayrfield WEAKNESSES/CHALLENGES  Workload of priest  Liturgy preparation incl Music  Homily and spiritual nourishment  Unity and respect for each other  Declining congregation and disconnect from many in the parish  Hurts of the past

Situation Analysis  2900 households (plus or minus)  Estimated 4 per house =11,600 people  Average parish mass attendance per day 30 (0.2%)  Average parish mass attendance at 10am Sunday 125 1% 10am Sunday 125 1% 11am Sunday % 11am Sunday % 12am Sunday % 12am Sunday % 6pm Saturday % 6pm Saturday % Over 300 (41%) of these are involved in plus or minus 25 parish groups/ministries (some duplication) Over 300 (41%) of these are involved in plus or minus 25 parish groups/ministries (some duplication) Increased workload of priest Increased workload of priest

Key areas arising  Spiritual growth of the community  Reaching out to the wider community  Young people are welcomed and nurtured  Joyful celebration of worship

Key Values Expressed  Trust and Courage,  Prayer, Faithfulness and Belief, Guidance Conviction, Perseverance  Diversity and inclusiveness,  Encouragement  Friendship, unity and harmony, acceptance  Cooperation and respect,  Wisdom,  Love and Understanding,  Humility and Selfless giving  Openness,  Forgiveness

Vision We seek to reach out in love and be Christ’s witness to those on the margins of our community especially our young and vulnerable

Mission Statement We the parish community of St Paul’s Ayrfield, come together in love with faith, hope and trust in God. In a spirit of openness and acceptance gained through prayer, we endeavour to create a sense of belonging for all.

Strategy  St Paul’s parish Ayrfield will focus its efforts over the next three years primarily on developing the spiritual lives of its community through a range of quality prayer and joyful worship activities within the parish.  One key aspect of this strategy is the focus on young people, those of school-going age and young adults, the future of our Church. There will be a particular push to reach out to those who are not regular church-goers and operate effectively with the best use of resources.

Four Elements Spiritual Growth Outreach Young People Joyful Celebration Making best use of resources STRATEGY

Spiritual Growth (Formation) Vision: We seek to encourage and facilitate spiritual growth through full and active participation in quality liturgies, prayer life and the sacraments of the parish. We seek to encourage and facilitate spiritual growth through full and active participation in quality liturgies, prayer life and the sacraments of the parish.

Spiritual Growth For All  By Dec 2008 we have had a successful Parish Mission  By Mar 2009 we have in place a weekly Lectio Divina initiative  By Mar 2009 we have a supporting funeral ministry in place  By Sept 2009 we have increased the number of active prayer groups  By Sept 2009 we have held our second parish Alpha Course  By Dec 2009 we have offered Life in the Spirit  By Dec 2009 we have had an evaluation of our Lay Presiding group For young  By May 2009 we have completed regular meditation for Confirmation students  By May 2009 confirmation students have participated in 4 special liturgies in the church  By May 2009 we have had one youth pilgrimages/ Lourdes, Medujorie  By Sept 2009 we have increased the number of Altar servers and put in place regular training and support.  By Sept 2009 we have developed the faith element to the Cool Side of God and Ayrfield Youth programmes

Joyful Celebration (Worship) Vision: To create a faith community known for being joyful and welcoming, full attendance at Sunday Masses To create a faith community known for being joyful and welcoming, full attendance at Sunday Masses

Joyful Celebration  Goals  By Nov 2008 we are encouraging participation of congregation in all music at mass.  By Nov 2008 we have established a hospitality ministry for each mass – to handout parish bulletins, greet people and when planned to help with tea and coffee after mass.  By December 2009 we have consulted with relevant people with regard to a possible reduction of masses on a Sunday  By Jan 2009 we have formed a liturgy coordinator/team for each of the Masses (responsible for planning and coordination of music, readers, Eucharist ministers, welcoming and priest and special groups liaison.)  By April 2009 we have had our first music ministry/liturgy workshops for existing and new groups by (to include guidance on best practice in preparation for the Celebration of Masses within the parish.)

Outreach (And Community)  Vision: we seek to extend a hand of welcome to those on the outside of our parish community and to those who are vulnerable in our parish and in our wider society. we seek to extend a hand of welcome to those on the outside of our parish community and to those who are vulnerable in our parish and in our wider society.

Outreach  By Nov 2008 we have establishing a team to help Produce Ayrwaves on a monthly basis  By April 2009 we have established a team of volunteers to visit every household on a street by street basis to be completed by end of 2009  By April 2009 we have had evaluation/planning meetings with Legion of Mary and Bethany Bereavement group  By April 2009 we extend the coffee facility to an after Sunday mass slot twice a month

Young People (Formation) Vision Vision To be a parish where young people feel welcome, and are encouraged to be involved in the preparation, participation and celebration of Mass.

Young People Goals  By Sept 2008 we have implemented a programme of youth with alternate weeks for senior & junior youth meetings  By Dec 2008 we have consulted regarding a proposal to change the time of the family mass to 12 noon.  By December 2008 we have created a welcoming team and liturgical coordination for each Youth Mass  By December 2008 we have a young people’s Lectio Divina group  By March 2009 we have a twice monthly young adult mass and related preparation teams in place for 6pm mass  By May 2009 we have had at least one joint initiatives with Parish High Schools (Donahies and Chanel) eg Christmas/Easter youth Mass linked with existing groups (Includes Drama and Music)  (By March 2009 we have a approved a Child Protection Policy for the Parish based on best practice) (to be agreed by PPC)

Implementation  Commission Structure with pastoral worker support  Ministries existing and to be formed  Volunteer support

Commissions  JOYFUL CELEBRATION: Leader: Colm Mallon  Liturgy Coordination  Welcome and hospitality  Music Ministries  Encouragement of singing  Music/liturgy workshops  Youth Music liaison  Consultation on mass times/ number of masses  Ministers of the Eucharist  Ministers of the Word 

Commissions OUTREACH & COMMUNITY LIFE: Leader: Margaret Maher  Visitation of parish  Ayrwaves Newsletter  Coffee/tea/masses  Bethany Bereavement Group  St Vincent De Paul  Legion of Mary  Brigins  Social events

Commissions  YOUNG PEOPLE: Leader: Noreen Kelly  Youth Ministry –  Consultation on 12 mass  Youth/YA Mass team  Pilgrimage  CSOG  Ayrfield Youth  Faith development/Lectio  YCW Programme  School liaison  Altar Servers team

Commissions Spiritual Growth: Leader: Phil Buckley  Parish mission  Prayer groups  Focolare  Lectio Divina-Confirmation  Confirmation liturgies  Alpha and Life in the Spirit  Lay Presiding  Scripture Group  Eucharistic Adoration  Ministry training days  Funeral Ministry

Next Steps  Final input from parish tonight  Start to develop the key goals with immediate effect  All interested parishioners to attend action planning evenings for each of the commissions to decide priorities and personnel  Dates to be confirmed but please sign up for your area of interest

Most Urgent Needs  All Commission need help  Liturgy and Mass coordination teams  Prayer team inc Lectio Divina and others  Welcoming teams  Outreach and Visitation teams  Altar Server support  Please give me your name!