ANARCHY Anarchy is the absence of rules
MONARCHY Monarchy is ruled by an individual Who uses the power of the state to help the state.
DICTATORSHIP A Dictatorship is ruled by an individual Who uses the power of the state to help themselves
Dictatorship - Authoritarian In an authoritarian dictatorship, no public criticism of the government is allowed.
Dictatorship - Totalitarian In a totalitarian state, you cannot criticize the government at all, even in private.
ARISTOCRACY Aristocracy is ruled by a small group or leading family, With formal distinctions of rank.
OLIGARCHY Oligarchy is ruled by a small group or leading family, Without formal distinctions of rank
DEMOCRACY – DIRECT Direct democracy is when people meet in public meetings to decide public policy.
DEMOCRACY – INDIRECT Indirect democracy is when people elect representatives to meet and decide public policy. SYNONYMS – REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY AND REPUBLIC