Mariner Terms Types of Sailboat Code Flags G.S. Knowledge Bells, Times, & Watches II Mariner Terms II $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
The right side of the boat when looking forward
Name this Sailboat
Name this flag and tell what it means:
Papa: In harbor: all persons report on board: at sea fishing: nets on obstruction
Tell us the Girl Scout Slogan
Do a good turn daily
What watch does 1330 fall in, how many bells do you hear?
Afternoon 3 bells
Toward the stern of the boat
An anchored float used for marking a position on the water or a hazard or a shoal and for mooring
Name the type of sail.
Name this flag and tell what it means:
Lima: Stop Instantly
What happens on March 12
Girl Scout Birthday
How many bells do you hear at the end of 1 st dog watch
A vertical rail around the edge of a cockpit or hatch to prevent water on the deck from running below
The direction away from the wind; opposite of windward
Name this Sailboat
Name this flag and tell what it means:
X-ray Stop your intention, watch for signals
Who is responsible for maintaining membership data files
GSUSA Girl Scouts of the USA
It is 6:30 pm. What time is it in military time, how many bells do you hear, and what watch are you in?
bell 2 nd dog watch
Line used to hoist a sail
To bring a sailboat from one tack to the other by swinging her stern across the wind
Name the type of Sail.
Name this flag and tell what it means:
Not a flag… Remember Yellow always comes first…. Soooo… what flag is this?
Tell us three facts about Juliette Gordon Low
-Founded the GS in the USA in Born in Savannah, Georgia -Nicknamed Daisy -Accomplished artist, also wanted to learn about auto mechanics, gardening and morse code -learned to fly an airplane -suffered from hearing impairment which left her mostly deaf -she and her husband never had children -birthday October 31, 1860
It is 3 am. What time is it in military time, what watch is it, and how many bells do you hear?
0300 Middle Watch 6 bells
License or permission to use a port, given to a ship after quarantine or upon showing clean bill of health
A near-shore navigation method by which the movements of the ship are directed by landmarks or other aids to navigation and surroundings
Name this Sailboat
What is this word: Bonus: Name each flag and give it’s meaning
Barges bravo-dangerous goods alpha-have diver down, keep clear romeo-I have received your last signal. Not used as a single letter signal. golf-require a pilot. Fishing:hauling nets. echo-altering course to starboard sierra-engines going astern
Name the 4 World Centers and where they are found.
-Our Chalet- Adeboden, Switzerland -Pax Lodge- London, England -Our Cabana- Cuernavaca, Mexico -Sangam- Pune, India
It is forenoon watch. You hear the following ring pattern:..... What time is it (standard and military)?
10:30 am 1030
Basic method of navigation in which the position of the ship is determined by calculation from a previous position of the vessel, the direction of travel from the previous position, the speed of the vessel, and the time traveled
Dead Reckoning