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Sports Landmark 10 Animals Food Capital 50
Seoul is the Capital of A. Gyeonggido B. Korea C. Egypt D. Philippines
Moscow is the Capital of A. Philippines B. Soviet C. Sweden D. Russia
Say the names of 5 capitals. Washington DC-USA, Moscow-Russia, Canberra- Australia, Tehran-India….
Canberra is the capital of A. Iran B. Australia C. New Zealand D. United Kingdom
Tehran is the Capital of Tehran is the Capital of A. RussiaB. Mexico C. Chile D. Iran
Pizza is the food of Pizza is the food of A. Italy B. South Africa C. KoreaD. Canada
Crêpe is the food of Crêpe is the food of A. Thailand B. France C. Chile D. Philippines
Dumplings are the food of Dumplings are the food of A. Japan B. Spain C. New Zealand D. China
Kebab is the food of Kebab is the food of A. New Zealand B. Turkey C. China D. Japan
Pavlova is the food of Pavlova is the food of A. New ZealandB. China C. Turkey D. Japan
The 63 building is in The 63 building is in A. New Zealand B. Korea C. Turkey D. China
The Eiffel tower is in The Eiffel tower is in A. India B. France C. Turkey D. Greece
“Christ the Redeemer” is in... A. New Zealand B. Brazil C. Turkey D. China
Buckingham palace is in Buckingham palace is in A. France B. United Kingdom C. Iran D. Sweden
Disneyworld is in Disneyworld is in A. Texas C. Florida B. New York D. Las Vegas
It’s a _______ IIt has two feet. IIt’s black and white. It lives in the South Pole. IIt’s a bird, but it can’t fly. Penguin
Five cats.
Say the names of 4 animals starting with the vowels (A, E, I, O, U, Y). Alligator, Elephant, Iguana, Octopus….
Kangaroo is the animal of Kangaroo is the animal of A. Australia D. New Zealand C. Canada B. Brazil
Beaver is the animal of Beaver is the animal of A. India B. Canada C. U.S.A D. New Zealand
Sumo is the sport of Sumo is the sport of A. Japan B. Sweden C. South Africa D. Korea
Say the names of 4 sports Starting with letter ‘b’. Baseball, Basketball, Badminton, Biking, Balet, Boxing, Bowling…
Bullfighting is the sport of Bullfighting is the sport of A. Russia B. Spain C. Iran D. Chile
Hockey is a famous sport in Hockey is a famous sport in A. Korea B. Japan C. Canada D. Sweden
The National sport of Korea is A. Baseball B. Taekwondo C. Starcraft D. Soccer ?