Indira Awaas Yojana Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India
Rural housing scheme for BPL families. Financial assistance to houseless families and families living in dilapidated/ kutcha houses. – New House – Repair of existing house Landless families are also assisted for purchase of house site. Identification of households done by the Gram Sabha. Scheme brief
Assistance Construction of new house - Rs.70,000 in plain areas, Rs.75,000 in hilly/difficult/IAP areas. Upgradation of Kutcha or Dilapidated houses - Rs. 15,000 Purchase of housesite by landless beneficiaries -Rs. 20,000 Funding Pattern 50:50 sharing between Centre & States Funds by State / UT States can top up to the assistance under IAY
Category wise earmarking of funds At the national level, 60% of the funds earmarked for SCs and STs- 15% for minorities. State should ensure at least 3% of beneficiaries are from among persons with disabilities Process of selection Beneficiaries selected from the Permanent IAY waitlists prepared on the basis of BPL list The Gram Panchayats draw out the annual select list from the Permanent Wait List strictly in the order of ranking in the list The annual select list prepared, is approved in the meeting of Gram Sabha which is attended by a government servant who would be a nominee of the Collector. To be verified Availability permanent waitlist at the Gram Panchayat level and adequate publicity Were Grama Sabhas held – To be ascertained from beneficiaries
Monitoring Indicators Beneficiary Side – Awareness of quantum of assistance and the stages of fund provision- What do you get at each stage ? – Delay in receipt of financial assistance. Duration and reasons for delay- When did you completed? How long before inspection? When did you get the money – Whether funds from other schemes received? Especially MGNREGA and SBM(G) – Time taken for completion of house and difficulties faced – Whether Social audit has been conducted
Monitoring Indicators Government Side At District /Block level – Number of houses completed against the targets of the previous two years. – The number of houses sanctioned against the target of the current year and the reasons for non-sanctioning of houses. – Mechanism of single point interface for convergence with other schemes. Problems in convergence. – Permanent waitlist prepared on the basis of BPL List – Annual Select list prepared based on priority in Permanent waitlist with the approval of Gram Sabha. Variations, if any. If so the details thereof. – Whether the list of selected beneficiaries is displayed by painting on the wall of the panchayat office.
Monitoring Indicators Delay in issue of work order. Duration and reasons for delay Delay between the sanction and payment of 1 st instalment. Duration and reasons for delay Entries in AwaasSoftMIS made on regular basis. If not, the problems being faced Serious observations made by the auditor Toilet is constructed with every IAY House and the mechanism to ensure the same. Have the beneficiaries been provided homestead sites. If so whether they have been sanctioned IAY House.
Monitoring Indicators At State Level Delay in receiving central share transfer of central share from State Consolidated fund and release of state matching share. Status of implementation of PFMS viz., opening of Central Account, enrolment of DSCs of 1 st & 2 nd Signatory, Registration of beneficiaries freezing and verification of beneficiary accounts, generation of FTOs. Difficulties faced in implementation of PFMS. IEC Activities, Training/ Capacity Building activities taken by State Government. Amount of unspent balance at the district and whether the same has been transferred to Central Bank Account at State Level Technical support and assistance for procurement of material provided to beneficiary for construction of durable house. Whether state has prepared plans for training Masons? Is there a proposal for construction of housing materials (Fly ash bricks, Cement Stabilised Earth Blocks.)
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