Ethical Internet Use TECH 503 By A. Greenwell
Ethics in the Virtual World We all grow up learning the rules, regulations, and laws of the real world such as: 1.Respect the privacy of others 2.Don’t steal 3.Cite references and follow copyright law 4.Etc. The same standards should also apply to the virtual world of the Internet.
Virtual Privacy To maintain online privacy and provide both physical and financial protection: 1.Only use secure sites when doing online banking or shopping 2.Never provide your social security number online 3.Be cautious about uploading personal information, videos and images to shared sites Maintain the privacy of others by: 1.Never upload videos or images of others without their permission
Virtual Property Ethical use of online music, videos, and printed materials require users: 1.Obtain permission from creator 2.Legally purchase product 3.Use open-source version if possible 4.Follow fair use guidelines if used for education – Can use < 10% or 30 seconds of an audio recording – Can use videotapes and movies for limited time periods – Can use multimedia if not distributed outside of class
Citations and Copyright Law When using Internet resources users must: 1.Follow fair use guidelines if used for education – Can use < 10% or 30 seconds of an audio recording – Can use videotapes and movies for limited time periods – Can use multimedia if not distributed outside of class – Can use links to public web sites on the Internet 2.Never plagarise 3.Always cite references when possible
Ethical Internet Use Video