UNC Charlotte Purchasing Card Training
Agenda Program Overview Roles and Responsibilities Internal Policies and Procedures Documents and Reference Materials Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML)Works ™ purchasing card transaction management system Resources Questions
Purchasing Card Program The purchasing card (“p-card”) is a procurement tool as well as 49er Mart and Direct Pay Requests (DPR) to facilitate the purchasing of goods. Requires knowledge of purchasing, travel procedures and account allocation. The p-card is a Visa credit card issued to UNC Charlotte through BAML. The p-card is for UNC Charlotte business transactions only. Personal use of the p-card is strictly prohibited. All University fund types, except Agency funds (8XXXXX), may be used with the p-card.
Purchasing Card Program The purpose of the program is to simplify the procurement and payment processes for selected low dollar, high volume business commodities. Single transaction limit $2,500 Daily transaction limit $5,000 Monthly transaction limit $25,000 The program is designed to maintain accountability while reducing the cycle time and administrative burden of procurement procedures such as purchase requisitions and orders, direct pay requests, travel advances and reimbursement requests.
Purchasing Card Program Benefits to the Campus Eliminates the need to use personal funds and obtain reimbursements. Reduces the need for Travel Advances Eliminates the need for Prepayments and AAA and other direct billed voucher codes. Provides convenience, security, and flexibility to make small dollar purchases, immediate payment. Empowers departments profile choices to include to include/exclude hospitality
Purchasing Card Program Benefits to UNC Charlotte Significant cost savings in the purchase-to-pay cycle. Increased expense analysis power. Increased ability to provide value-added services.
Roles and Responsibilities Accountholder Use of the p-card according to internal policies and procedures. Maintain card in secure location at all times (no sharing). Ensure spending limits and allotted budget are not exceeded. Ensure NC sales and use tax is not charged for exempt purchases. Ensure a Travel Authorization (TA) is fully approved before prepaying travel expenses. Obtain a receipt (vendor name, date of purchase, item description and total amount of purchase) for each purchase and submit to Reconciler. Provide additional information regarding expenses to Reconciler as necessary.
Roles and Responsibilities Reconciler Receive receipts from Accountholder. Compare receipts with transactions in BAML Works ™. Review and sign-off on transactions in Works ™. Provide supporting comments (e.g. description, business purpose). Ensure correct fund, organization and account code are used. Upload receipt to the transaction in Works ™ Reconcile discrepancies with Accountholder when necessary.
Roles and Responsibilities Approver Ensure p-card usage and activity is in compliance with internal policies and procedures. Review transactions in Works ™ to ensure, appropriate receipt is upload. comments are documented. correct fund, organization and account codes are used. Flag transactions as necessary. Sign-off on transactions in Works ™
Roles and Responsibilities Department Head Provides fiscal oversight and management of business operations within his or her department. Selects department employees for participation in the UNC Charlotte Purchasing Card Program based upon business need and ability to fulfill program requirements. Accounts for the use of the p-card in his or her department, taking appropriate action with departmental staff when required. Ensures FLSA-subject staff members are performing p-card activities during regular work hours or with the advanced approval of their supervisor if overtime is required to complete task.
Roles and Responsibilities Purchasing Card Team Provides program management and oversight. Develops and delivers effective training for users. Ensures program compliance and quality assurance.
Internal Policies and Procedures Purchasing Card Manual Purchasing Card Procedures: Purchase to Reconciliation Allowable and Non-Allowable Expenses on the UNC Charlotte Purchasing Card Purchasing Card Calendar
Bank of America Merrill Lynch Works ™ Basic Navigation Transaction Review and Sign-Off Flagging Transactions
Resources Works ™ Documentation and Guides Training Videos Internal procedures Purchasing Card Program Website
Questions Annette Heller Purchasing Card Administrator (704) Cathy Nichols Purchasing Card Payment Specialist (704)