Seventh Annual Panther Prowl 5k
“Are You Smarter Than The Chancellor?”
Chancellor’s Design Challenge
Hope House Work Day
Inaugural Run, Inauguration & Chancellor’s Free Throw Challenge
How we promoted events & feature spot Used social media – Created hashtag #uwmchancellor – Promoted events on facebook – Created foursquare tips about Inauguration – Cross-promoted YouTube videos – ed UWM social media community – Used storify to capture tweets
Photos with Pounce Promotion Encouraged to upload photo to facebook
Facebook Social Media Outcomes Handed out business cards during Lovell*Palooza
Facebook Social Media Outcomes 35,961 Lovell*Palooza photo views on first day 79,135 views in a week
Facebook Social Media Outcomes
Reached 52,228 people 379,454 impressions 141 video plays in facebook Facebook Social Media Outcomes
Monitored #uwmchancellor hashtag Tracked URL with (hootsuite) – 859 clicks on 6 Inauguration URLs – 16% of followers Used storify to save tweets – 5,380 views on storify stories Twitter Social Media Outcomes