Written for the Glory of God
Total depravity- through Adam’s fall, every human is born sinful (“original sin”) The doctrine of election- God would freely choose those He would save and those He would damn eternally. No one knows if they are damned or saved Predestination- one a few a selected for salvation
Limited atonement- Jesus died for the chosen, not for everyone Irresistible grace- God’s grace is freely given. Cannot be earned nor denied. “Grace” is defined as the saving and transfiguring power of God Perseverance of the “Saints”- those elected by God have full power to interpret the will of God. They freely told others how to live their lives. The “Saints” were the “elected” they did not have to be ministers.
Glorify God Sermons Religious poems Religious tracts Interpretations of God’s doings on Earth Diaries and journals about religious experiences
America’s FIRST published poet (first generation Puritan) Writing focuses on struggles on the frontier & Puritan faith Married Simon Bradstreet- son of a minister Father & husband served as governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony
America’s BEST Puritan Poet (second generation Puritan) Only allowed 2 stanzas from his poems to be published during his lifetime (became famous in 1929 when published) His poetry is marked by conceits- elaborate and unusual comparisons between two different subjects
Lyric Relatively short poems full of imagination, melody, and emotion Expresses the poet’s feelings & thoughts Narrative Tells a story. Two types: Ballad and Epic. Dramatic Uses elements of dramatic writing, such as dialogue, stage directions, etc.
verse signifies a single line of poetry The term can also be used to refer to a stanza or other parts of poetry the term “verse” is often incorrectly used for referring to “poetry” in order to differentiate it from prose (non-poetry)
#1 Free Verse A free verse poem has no set meter; AKA no rhyming scheme or set pattern. For some poets this serves as a handy tool for the purpose camouflaging their change in thoughts, whereas others think that it affects the quality of work being presented. #2 Blank Verse There is no rhyming effect present in a blank verse. However, it has an iambic pentameter. It is used to present passionate events and to create an impact on the reader. Shakespeare was an devoted user of blank verse.
Puritan writing is only for God’s Glory Anne Bradsteet is American’s FIRST published poet Edward Taylor is America’s BEST known Puritan poet Poetry Terms to Know: Conceit Lyric, narrative, and dramatic poetry Stanza Free verse vs. Blank verse