Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden1 CO Proposal concerning AB Front-End Software Responsibilities First detailed proposal based on the global Front-end proposal presented at CO3 on Nov 2, 2006
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden2 Contents Foreword CO proposal for FE Software PS FE software Inventory Evolution
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden3 Foreword Four aspects to CO3 concerning Front-ends responsibilities FE Software (this presentation) FE Hardware (in progress …) FE Configuration Management (not started) FE First-line Responsibility (not started) A clarification towards a department wide strategy rather than a “Big Bang”
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden4 CO Proposal for FE Software CO Responsibility System Level SW O/S definition, installation, support and evolution (LynxOS and LINUX SLC-x) Device drivers and libraries for the list (to be CO3 …) of standard/generic HW modules (CTR-x, GFAs, DAC, ADCs, MIL-1553, WorldFIP, RS-232 line drivers, OASIS boards, etc) Clear commitment from CO to keep strong homogeneity and to offer a complete and well supported set of generic FE controls solutions
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden5 CO Proposal for FE Software CO Responsibility FESA Framework Specification, design, release (up to 3/year) and support of the framework, with full CO3 level Strong support to developers during all development phases Training: regular tutorials and hands-on for new developers Design and coding: advice on implementation issues Commissioning and quality insurance: code reviews, correct framework usage, etc (non-mandatory) Operation: strong diagnostic tools and on-line support during normal working hours Strong commitment from CO to develop and offer extended support for FESA, as the agreed AB department front-end solution
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden6 CO Proposal for FE Software CO Responsibility FESA Software Software for the support of the list of standard/generic HW modules Projects under full CO responsibility (BIC, OASIS) Legacy GM Software Classes under PS/CO responsibility only Maintenance limited to corrections and adaptation (environment changes), no evolution. Deployment of new instances CO remains responsible for the development and support of a significant amount of generic and project-based Front-end software
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden7 CO Proposal for FE Software Equipment Groups Responsibility FESA Software Develop software for the support of their specific hardware and instruments Decide, in agreement with AB-OP, about the operational deployment of their software Use CO support during all phases of development Legacy GM Software Replace with new FESA software when required (cf. next slides) Equipment groups are responsible for the development and operation of their front-end software
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden8 PS Front-end Software Inventory Source is the configuration DB Each class: A description A creator (the initial author) An “ABGroup”: the group in charge of the equipment. To be updated All instances (FEC, accelerator) Note: GM adaptor classes can be identified
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden9 PS Front-end Software Inventory An excel file (here) with the ABGroup field initializedhere To be checked and updated by the groups Once done → configuration DB
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden10 PS Front-end Software Inventory Number of FECs LIN PSB LN3 LEI CPS SPS ADE ISO CTF ABGroupClassNameCreatorDescription 1 ABPPSRCE-VW. HEINZE Control of PS proton source with the CAN bus 1 ATBACTADU.RAICH Acceptance< measurement AD SATBBEAMSTF.BERLIN Reads status of beam stoppers 1ATBCGUNL.MERARDCTF control du gun Clio 2 ATBGASPL.MERARDIsolde gas control via PLC 1 ATBINTDUMPU. RAICHPs internal dumps 1 ATBISOMOVEPL.MERARD Concrete PLC-controlled movep device at Isolde “Shared” (more than one accelerator) Group in charge of the equipment Changes from the DB
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden11 PS Front-end Software Inventory ABP1 ATB12 BI32 BT3 CO44 OP3 PO7 RF16 AT-VAC7 Total125
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden12 PS Front-end Software Inventory LINPSBLN3LEICPSADEISOCTF GM GM specific FESA “specific” classes: only on one accelerator GM+FESA in the period Remark: figures not corrected by removing FESA GM adapter classes
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden13 PS Front-end Software Evolution Phase I GM->FESA when: New equipment New interface New software required (problems or extension planned) Renovate equipment and interfaces Reverse the balance GM/FESA Phase II Homogenize / accelerator Suppress GM I II ?
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden14 PS Front-end Software Evolution Transition I → II to be defined Phase I : new FESA classes Phase II : GM-> FESA migration FTE / FESA class with temporary staff (experience in BI & CO) Number of FESA classes is not the current number of GM classes
Nov, F. Di Maio, M.Vanden Eynden15 Conclusion A practical proposal (clarification) for Front-End software responsibility and support An inventory of the PS Front-End software and its possible evolutions Feedback from each equipment group (CO3) is the next step towards a global agreement, especially concerning the PS complex Next aspects to address: Front-End Hardware Front-End configuration management Front-End first-line of responsibility