Popliteal and suprapopliteal cyst Jalal Jalal Shokouhi-MD, ISR Firous Tabarrok-MD, Shahid beheshti M.U Mohammad hossein Herischi-MD,PhD, Baku, Azerbaijan Shahyar Pashaei-PhD, Boniad daneshname negari,Iran Aliakbar Ameri-MD, Jaam e jam
I.Abnormal cystic recess of synovial II.From medial post. Part III.Between gastrocnemius and semimembranosus bursas IV.Under femoral condyle level V.20-30% pupulation VI.Compressable by US VII.DDx with popliteal artery aneurysm VIII.Could contain loose body IX.DDx with D.V.T if rupture X.DDx with meniscal and intercondylar cysts
Suprapopliteal cysts: i.Up to femoral condyle level ii.No connection to regular popliteal cyst even in pneumoarthrography iii.Round, oval and multivesicular iv.No compressible in US study v.With no loose body vi.Cyst beside tendon of gastrocnemius tendon vii.Pneumoarthrogram is negative for
Conclusion: 1.MRI and US could show both popliteal and suprapopliteal cysts 2.X-ray and X-ray CT pneumoarthrography couldn’t show supra-popliteal cyst 3.Loose body is not seen in suprapopliteal cyst 4.I found these result in 400 patients with 112 cysts
Large popliteal cyst, MRI
Supra popliteal cyst, T1 T2
Neck of popliteal cyst in axial view
popliteal cyst, T1 T2
popliteal and supra- popliteal cysts
Meniscal cyst
Meniscal cyst T2
Meniscal cyst T1
Loose body in politeal cyst
Loose body in joint space and popliteal cysts
Loose body by Xray
Meniscal cyst
Supra-popliteal and popliteal cysts
Supra-popliteal cyst