C4.1(1) American Foreign Policy Foreign Policy: a nation’s relationship with other nations Two types: Isolationist Avoid international issues Our interests are main priority Internationalist Engage in international issues Universal issues are main priority
C4.1(1) Phases of U.S. Foreign Policy Isolationist (1789 – 1890s) Imperialism (1890s – 1910s) Extend power and influence through diplomacy or military force Internationalist (1945 – today)
4.1(1) Influences on… Isolationist Policy “Avoid world affairs” Washington ; Jefferson Imperialist policy Manifest Destiny 2.0 Alfred Mahan All successful nations in history have ruled the seas
C4.1(1) Influences on … Internationalist Policy Woodrow Wilson League of Nations
C4.1(1) Factors that influence FP Geography Military needs/power Economic needs/power Ethnic/cultural ties History
C4.1(1) Major Events in U.S. Foreign Policy Rush – Bagot Treaty (1817) British fleets removed from Great Lakes Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) Expands western border Monroe Doctrine (1823) Europe stay out of Western Hemisphere
C4.1(1) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) Expanded southwest border Roosevelt Corollary (1904) U.S. would be regional ‘policeman’
SUMMARY QUESTIONS 1.If you were president today would you adopt an isolationist or internationalist foreign policy for the U.S.? Why? 2.Why do you think it was easy for the U.S. to be isolationist up until the late-1800s? Why do you think it became difficult after? 3.Mahan believed the countries that ruled the seas ultimately ruled the world. Explain why this may have been true in the late-1800s. 4.Review imperialism. In your opinion, can it be a positive for all involved? A negative? Both? Why? 5.Of all the factors that influence U.S. foreign policy which do you think is most important? Why?