Small hydro from idea to operation Scotland’s Changing Hydro Resource – 2008 to 2012 and Beyond Nick Forrest
Small hydro from idea to operation Topics Recent history of hydro National resource – what is it now? What the sites look like How fast will hydro grow? What are the critical factors?
Small hydro from idea to operation Cumulative Installed Hydro
Small hydro from idea to operation Developers Uncertain markets Money looking for investments Many new developers Land grab How much is left?
Small hydro from idea to operation SNH and SEPA Increasing number of applicants Cumulative effects
Small hydro from idea to operation Scottish Government Pollution & climate change Energy security Rural income
Small hydro from idea to operation National Surveys
Small hydro from idea to operation Hydrobot Remote hydro prediction, including: Flow duration statistics Flow duration statistics Layout and equipment optimisation Layout and equipment optimisation Grid connection Grid connection Costs and revenues Costs and revenues NPV indicating best option NPV indicating best option Applicable across regions Applicable across regions
Small hydro from idea to operation T1T2
Small hydro from idea to operation Scottish Hydropower Resource Study 657MW of untapped potential >1,000 schemes, 20kW to 20MW
Small hydro from idea to operation Employment Study The Employment Potential of Scotland’s Hydro Resource Refined costings Included micro hydro (<100kW) Feed-In Tariffs (FITs)
Small hydro from idea to operation Revised Resource 1.2 GW potential, 7,000 schemes 169 MW across 4,400 micro-hydro sites
Small hydro from idea to operation SNH Study New Feed-In Tariffs Simple payback of 10 years or less Variable design flow (1 to 1.3) Survey and mitigation costs Full set of CAR licenses entered 706MW across 6,312 schemes
Small hydro from idea to operation babyHydro 2012 (I’m talking about this one) FITs as of December 2012 997MW across 9,152 schemes
Small hydro from idea to operation
Technical Screening 1:50,000 maps Maps of distribution grid River status Existing schemes
Small hydro from idea to operation Technical Screening CodeDescription T1Forestry Commission T2Access or gorge T3Other obstacle T4Grid issues T5 Interferes with existing scheme T6Error T7Low gradient T8Good
Small hydro from idea to operation Screened Resource Total resource = 997MW 33% good = 329MW 165MW on Forestry Commission land 33% good = 55MW Total without barriers = 384MW
Small hydro from idea to operation Two Waves?
Small hydro from idea to operation But How Fast? Do We Care? Market size Targets Replacing other sources in time Incentives to stimulate market Degression
Small hydro from idea to operation Straight-Line Trends Rate of commissioning Rate of consenting
Small hydro from idea to operation Cumulative Installed Hydro
Small hydro from idea to operation Excluding Fasnakyle & Glendoe
Small hydro from idea to operation Commissioning and Consenting Trends
Small hydro from idea to operation Commissioning and Consenting Trends
Small hydro from idea to operation Employment Study Human resources for hydro Realistic growth – Normal curve Growth in workforce defines upper limit in hydro deployment
Small hydro from idea to operation Employment Study Graph by Jamie Wallace, Highland Eco-Design
Small hydro from idea to operation Cumulative Normal Curves
Small hydro from idea to operation Cumulative Normal Curves
Small hydro from idea to operation Cumulative Normal Curves
Small hydro from idea to operation Cumulative Normal Curves
Small hydro from idea to operation Degression 10% 20% 5% 2.5%
Small hydro from idea to operation Influences Sites Grid Revenue support Funding Rents Environment
Small hydro from idea to operation Conclusion 997MW total capacity, mostly in kW band 384MW has no known barrier We predict around 112MW deployment between now and 2020 5% degression probably for >10 years 10% degression likely on occasion
Small hydro from idea to operation Nick Forrest babyHydro Ltd M: E:
Small hydro from idea to operation Influences Sites Grid Revenue support Funding Rents Environment