Transport Systems Respiratory, Digestive, Urinary
Respiratory Path of Air –Nasal Cavity function: warms, moistens, cleans air –Pharynx passage for air and food –Epiglottis covers trachea when swallowing –Larxnx voice box –Trachea main airway to lung, cartilage –Bronchi 2 branches, cartilage –Bronchioles many small branches,cartilage –Alveoli air sacs, gas exchange, external respiration (internal resp is blood to tissues)
Respiratory continued Inspiration- air intake, inhale Expiration- breathing out, exhale Diaphragm- muscle separating thoracic from abdominal cavity, responsible for breathing
Digestive System Pathway of food –Mouth: mechanical and chemical digestion –Pharynx: both food and air –Esophogus: brings food to stomach –Stomach: protein digestion; protected by mucus; HCl activates enzymes –Small Intestine: duodenum, jejunum, ileum Villi and microvilli for absorption
Digestive continued Large intestine, etc –appendix: lymphatic tissue –Ascending colon –Transverse colon –Descending colon –Sigmoid colon –Rectum: storage of feces –Anus: exit, sphincter valves
Digestive continued Digestive juices, etc –Liver: produces bile to emulsify fat; stored in gall bladder –Amylase: enzyme in saliva breaks down carbohydrates –Pepsinogen: becomes Pepsin when exposed to HCl to break down protein
Urinary System Kidney: filters urine out of blood, functional unit is called the nephron Ureter: tube from kidney to bladder Bladder: urine storage; micturation reflex triggers need to urinate Urethra: 2 spyncters control release of urine Urine formation: filteration, reabsorption of excess water, secretion of concentrated urine
Diagrams Heart (P227) Heart with circuits (P225) Digestive system (P296) Urinary system (P324)
Essays Aging in transport systems; structure change and implications to function –blood- p 219; –cardio- p 248; –lymphatic- p 270; –respiratory- p 290; –digestive- p 312; –urinary- p 336
Essays continued Stomach functions Respiratory functions Infamation response Blood interdependence