International Organizations
The United Nations (U.N.) * An organization promoting peace and cooperation on a world wide level -Established after WWII 1945 Organization 1.General Assembly – over 200 member countries - body that discusses, debates, and suggests solutions to problems - each member country has 1 vote and a 2/3 majority is needed to make decision 2.Security Council – 15 members - body that is responsible for peacekeeping and superior peacekeeping action (China, France, U.S., U.K., Russia) - 9 out of 15 votes by each country delegate is needed to implement peacekeeping action * if 1 of the permanent countries declines.. The measure is defeated
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 1993 * Free trade between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico * Protect U.S. workers and companies facing competition Benefits -Eliminates trade tariffs and trade fees on imports = greater access to foreign economies increased U.S. economic growth (purchasing power!) -Created jobs -Encourages growth in member economies Negatives -Chance that American jobs will be lost and relocated to countries where materials and labor are cheaper -Argument that tariffs are needed to protect American industries from foreign competition
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1949 * Military alliance between members * Response to increasing Russian communist aggression after WWII
International Monetary Fund (IMF) 1944 * Global “fund” contributed to by countries for those in need of assistance
World Bank 1945 * International bank to developing countries Ex. Financial loans, schools, bridges, roads GOAL: to reduce world poverty
Red Cross (1881) * Provides emergency assistance and disaster relief and disaster relief -Community service -Blood donations -Military/Medical assistance Ex. Hurricane Katrina