Laboratory Safety
General Rules Never enter the lab without a teacher present Do not touch anything without instructions to do so Keep your work area clean NEVER enter the storage area…this area is for teachers ONLY!!!
More General Rules NEVER perform unauthorized experiments No Horseplay Follow ALL verbal and written instructions from the teacher
Accidents Report any accident to the teacher immediately If a chemical splashes in your eye, immediately notify your teacher.
Handling Chemicals All chemicals should be considered dangerous. Do not smell, touch, or eat any lab chemicals Never return unused chemicals to the container Never dispense flammable liquids near open flames Acids should be given extra care. Always add acid to water for dilution
Basic Lab Equipment
Why know this stuff… You will be quizzed on this Your safety is dependent on these rules
The Quiz 1.) What brand of chewing gum is allowed in the lab? A.) Double-Mint B.) Stride C.) Winterfresh D.) Gum is not allowed in the lab
2.) What should you do if you spill a chemical? A.) Tell the teacher B.) Grab some paper towels and clean the area C.) Dilute the spill with water D.) All of the above
3.) True or False: Flip Flops are appropriate shoes for lab. 4.) True or False: It is okay to have a bottle of water in the lab, but only if you keep it away from your workstation.
5.) Name the Equipment:
6.) Name the Equipment:
7.) Name the Equipment:
8.) Name the Equipment: