B physics and X(3872) production at DØ Introduction DØ-Detector Results on B physics Results on X(3872) Summary Frank Lehner U Zurich DIS 2004, Strbske Pleso April, 2004 All results are preliminary
Accelerator Status excellent performance of Tevatron in 2004 DØ recorded 70 pb -1 in 2004 important milestone: reprocessed full dataset in fall 2003 greatly improved tracking performance good fraction processed off-site current datasets ~300 pb -1 on tape ~ pb -1 analyzed ~100 pb -1 Run I
B production at Tevatron Pro’s: large cross section ~10 5 x larger than at present B-factories (4S) all kinds of b hadrons produced: B d, B s, B c, b,.. Con’s: QCD background overwhelming efficient trigger and reliable tracking necessary soft p t spectrum, smaller boost than LEP Key for B physics program at DØ: Muon system Muon trigger (single and dimuon triggers) Silicon Vertex + Tracker
DØ detector upgraded Run II DØ detector: beamline shielding reduce background new Forward Muon + Central Muon Scintillators excellent coverage | |<2 Preshowers helping for e-ID Fiber Tracker Silicon Detector 2T Solenoid
DØ tracking region Silicon detector 6 barrels w/ 4 layers silicon- mostly double- sided silicon, axial and stereo interspersed double-sided disks large external area disks at end tracking/vertexing up to | |<3 Fiber Tracker scintillating fibers Ø 0.82 mm 8 layers - each axial/stereo R/O through VLPC in LHe
Tracking performance | | for kaons from D* D 0 p T spectrum of soft pion from D* D 0 efficient muon and tracking system give us a large sample of semileptonic B decays Tracks are reconstructed over a wide range starting from p T = 180 MeV Data from semileptonic decays (B D X)
Benchmark: exclusive B decays & yields accumulated large exclusive samples of B + and B 0 find in ~225 pb -1 B 0 J/ K * 1900 events B + J/ K events B 0 J/ K s 375 events good S/B Lifetime cuts applied
Benchmark: exclusive B decays & yields b -> J/ 52 events B s -> J/ 400 events We have good potential in all B J/ exclusive modes, work in progress on Lifetime measurement of different B species Studies of CP effects in B s & B d mesons 250 pb -1
Lifetime ratio (B + )/ (B 0 ) from semileptonic decays measure from semileptonic B decays directly lifetime ratio instead of absolute lifetimes select following samples: B D 0 X B D* X sample compositions: “D 0 sample”: + K + - + anything B + 82%, B 0 16%, B s 2% “D* sample”: + D 0 - + anything B + 12%, B 0 86%, B s 2% estimates based on measured BR and isospin relations group events in 8 bins of visible proper decay length (VPDL) VPDL = L T / p T ( D 0 ) M B L T = transverse decay length
Lifetime ratio (B + )/ (B 0 ) from semileptonic decays Measure ratio r= N( + D* - )/N( + D 0 ) in each bin i Combinatorial background with true D 0 in D* sample is subtracted using wrong-sign distribution no need for parameterisation of background VPDL distribution Additional inputs to the fit: - sample compositions (previous slide) - K-factors (from simulation) K = p T ( D 0 ) / p T (B) (separately for different decay modes) - relative reconstruction efficiencies for different B decay modes (from simulation) - slow pion reconstruction efficiency [flat for p T (D 0 ) > 5 GeV (one of our cuts)] - decay length resolution (from simulation) - (B + ) = ps [PDG] one example VPDL bin
Lifetime ratio (B + )/ (B 0 ) from semileptonic decays systematics currently dominated by time dependence of slow pion reconstruction efficiency relative reconstruction efficiencies C Y Br(B + + D* - + X) K-factors decay length resolution differences D 0 D* use binned 2 fit of event ratios to determine (B + )/ (B 0 ) Preliminary result: (B + )/ (B 0 ) = (stat) (syst)
Lifetime ratio (B + )/ (B 0 ) from semileptonic decays New D Ø result (average not updated, plot not official or approved by HFAG) This is one of the most precise measurements to date:
B 0 /B 0 mixing in SM B d mixing is explained by box diagrams constrains V td CKM matrix element mixing frequency m d has been measured with high precision at B factories (0.502 ps -1 ) use our large sample of semileptonic B d decays to measure m d benchmark the initial state flavor tagging for later use in B s and m s measurements
B 0 /B 0 mixing initial flavor tagging opposite side tight muon tag muon p T > 2.5 GeV/c cos < 0.5 asymmetry of ‘oscillated’ and ‘non- oscillated’ B mesons as function of VPDL use binned 2 fit for asymmetry this is already one of the best measurements in hadron colliders work in progress to reduce systematics use other tagging methods add more D 0 decay channels Preliminary results: m d =0.506 0.055(stat) 0.049(syst) ps -1 Tagging efficiency: Tagging purity:
Towards B s mixing semileptonic decays (B s -> D s ) very good statistics excellent yield: 9500 candidates in ~250 pb -1 if m s 15 ps -1 a first indication of B s mixing might be possible with 500 pb -1 fully reconstructed hadronic decays: poor statistics excellent proper time resolution need a few fb -1 of data to reach m s 18 ps -1
Observation of B D** X D** are orbitally excited D meson states, see diagram in heavy quark limit w/ L=1 expect two sets of doublet states two broad (decay through S-wave) two narrow (decay through D- wave) narrow D** D 0 1 (2420) -> D* + - D 2 * 0 (2460) -> D* + - D 1 0, D 2 * 0 have been observed and studied in several experiments, most recently by BaBar and Belle in B - D** 0 - we study D 1 0, D 2 * 0 produced in semileptonic B decays. Figure from Belle, hep-ex/
Observation of B D** X start from B D*X sample, add another + look at invariant mass of D* - + system observed merged D 1 0 (2420) and D 2 * 0 (2460) excess in right-sign combinations can be interpreted as interfering D 1 0 and D 2 * 0 DØ’s preliminary result constrains the resonant contribution Work in progress: extract separate amplitude, relative phase Br(B {D 1 0,D 2 * 0 } X) Br({D 1 0,D 2 * 0 } D* + - ) = (stat) (syst) %
B s + - sensitivity study purely leptonic B decay is a flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) forbidden at tree level highly suppressed in SM BR(B s -> )~ 3·10 -9 BR grows with tan 6 in MSSM very attractive probe for any new physics with extended Higgs sector (Two-Higgs Doublet models) SM: Two-Higgs Doublet models:
B s + - sensitivity study blind analysis: optimization cuts using Random Grid Search based on mass sideband discriminating variables isolation of pair decay length opening angle between pair and decay length direction expected signal is normalized to B + -> J/ K + expect 7.3 1.8 background events in signal region Current expected limit (Feldman/Cousins): Br(B s + - ) < 1.0 % CL (stat + syst) The box has NOT been opened yet - Reoptimisation still in progress - further improvements expected
X(3872) J/ + - last summer on LP ‘03, Belle announced new particle at ~3872 MeV/c 2 observed in B + decays: B + K + X(3872) X(3872) J/ + - Belle’s discovery has been confirmed by CDF and DØ DØ preliminary: 300 61 events 4.4 effect M = (stat) (syst) GeV/c 2
X(3872) J/ + - nature of X(3872) is not known mass surprisingly close to D*D threshold could be charmonium, hybrid or meson molecule compare sample of X particles to sample of (2S) using | |<1 and 1<| |<2 (plot) decay length dl 0.2 mm helicity of isolation of X
X(3872) J/ + - no significant differences between (2S) and X have been observed surviving fraction of X behaves similar to (2S) more useful once we have models of the production and decay of, e.g., meson molecules that predict the observables used in the comparison Note that observation of the charged analog X + J/ + 0 would rule out cc hypothesis observation of radiative decays X c would favour cc hypothesis (Belle set limit). Use DØ’s calorimeter to identify low energy 0 and : work in progress
Summary Preliminary results from DØ: precise measurement of (B + )/ (B 0 ) measurement of m d, benchmark flavour tagging Observation of B D** X at DØ DØ’s sensitivity to B s Observation of the X(3872) at DØ and study of its production properties The exciting times have started; stay tuned for more
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DØ tracking performance (DCA) 53 P T = 1 GeV and 15 higher P T Can provide K/ separation for P tot < 400 MeV p/ separation for P tot <700 MeV NOT yet used for PID
Triggers Robust and quiet single- and di-muon triggers Large coverage | <2 Variety of triggers based on L1 Muon & L1 CTT (Fiber Tracker) L2 & L3 filters Typical total rates at medium luminosity ( s -1 cm -2 ) Di-muons : 50 Hz / 15 Hz / 4 L1/L2/L3 Single muons : 120 Hz / 100 Hz / 50 L1/L2/L3 Rates before prescaling: typically single muon triggers are prescaled or/and used with raised p T threshold at L1 Muon purity 90% - all physics! Current total trigger bandwidth 1600 Hz / 800 Hz / 60 L1/L2/L3 B-physics semi-muonic yields are limited by L3 filters and L3 bandwidth
Calibrations using J/ sample Large J/ sample – currently 1.2 M events in 250 pb -1 J/ mass is shifted by 22 MeV Observe dependence on Pt and on material crossed by tracks Developed correction procedure based on field & material model Finalizing calibration of momentum scale using J/ Ks, D 0 NOT yet used Mass resolution 60 MeV/c 2 in agreement with expectations After magnetic field and material corrections Before corrections