INTRODUCTION! Hello! My name is Lilia Lubomirova Rezacheva.I am fourteen years old and second child in the family.The first is my brother. He is an engineer like my father. Mum is a nurse. My parents are very strict but just.
MY HOBBIES! I love reading, singing and drawing. But I prefer spending more time with my friends. I have a postcards collection. These postcards are special to me, because they are a gift from my grandma.
THE MUSIC I PREFER! I am keen on pop music. My favourite pop group is ‘Savage garden’. I like them a lot, because they make very good music. Their most popular song is ‘Truly Madly Deeply’.
THE MOVIES I PREFER! I am fond of comedy movies and I am a bid Eddie Murphy’s fan. He is a very good and talented actor. I love the movie ‘Vampire in Brooklyn’. (It’s not a comedy)
MY BEST FRIEND! This is Antonia. My best friend. I like to be with her, because she is a wonderful person. We talk about everything-music, sport, school, friends… you name it.
Something from me… A friend in need is a friend indeed!!!