“Ever notice that there are some people who just have that thing? My old best friend, Diane and I, used to call it the gift. “He’s got the gift,” she’d observe. These people are certain; they are sure; and they move forward with easy, graceful energy and optimism. It’s empowering, timeless, and endless…and if you’re fortunate enough to catch it, it’s contagious.” -Letter from Loral Langemeier
EXPECTATIONS? YOURS: OURS: DELIVERABLES: Yes! Energy Book Course Content Recorded Audio Q & A Follow Along Homework Activities
Everyone has a special and unique gift in their spiritual, financial and personal lives. Many of us hide that gift due to life experiences. To activate your “Yes!,” you must structure each day to your highest and best energy.
Spend a significant amount of time to identify situations where each one of these factors, or a COMBINATION of these factors, has held you back. So, ask yourself, where have you spent time and energy in COMPROMISETOLERATING AVOIDING BLAME This exercise is one of the key components to the homework for the week.
During tonight’s call and for this week’s homework, answer the following: When in your life have you felt overwhelmed or challenged? Did you feel your energy go down? How did you try to “protect” yourself? Have you stayed that way since that challenge?
Both positive and negative energy has impact on overall results. Which factors can be the most helpful or the most challenging? What are some examples you are facing? Really, both positive and negative influences can be present at the same time, but Yes! Energy is created by favoring the positive side.
Identify what builds your energy and what takes it away: NEGATIVE: Frustration Anger Complications Overwhelm Gossip Judgment Wrong Conversations POSITIVE: Family Friends Your Environment Reading Art Music Meditation Inspiration
Spend some time practicing this portion of the lesson! When do you experience negative energy? When do you experience positive energy? How will you engage MORE positive energy? How will you avoid negative energy?
“Most people risk nothing. They die at 20, but they live until they’re 75.” - Les Brown
Risk is the number one reason people don’t follow their dreams. How do you overcome that feeling? Experience – Actually LIVE your dreams instead of simply thinking about them. Education – Find people who have already done it. Evidence – Action with education creates proof.
The Yes! Energy equation is the backbone for all of the content in the course. We will be spending the majority of the next eight weeks digging into each area. This piece is merely the introduction and there will be much more to come.
{∆C + [F(2C)*D] + G + T}S = ∞EOE∞ Change the Conversation + Faith X (Confidence and Certainty) X Dreams Gifts + Team X Sequencing The result of the equation is Extreme Optimistic Energy!
Your attitude will be the difference between fast or slow results. Stop making excuses. Stop denying your gifts. Ignore what you’ve done in the past. Move to your next level of excellence. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Break the rules.
Complete the Challenges Exercise from earlier in this call. Focus on compromise, blaming, tolerating and avoiding. Identify your “Big Hairy Audacious Dreams.” Why did you stop pursuing them? Complete the exercise on Page 14 of the Yes! Energy Book to navigate your personal obstacle course.
PLEASE YOUR Questions To
PLEASE YOUR HOMEWORK TO: Note the Week # in the Subject Line Example: Yes Week 1 Homework And, don’t forget to create a file on your computer where you can save all of your work!