Morgan Yates is shy, Morgan is at a new school and she still has no friends yet. Morgan gets angry fast. Gretta Fleetwing is a talkative person or should I say fairy. Gretta tries to help Morgan out to fit in to her new school and for Morgan to have fun.
Morgan’s new house with her new mother and stepbrother and her dad. Morgan’s new high school Culver Junior High.
Gretta Morgan’s fairy friend’s spell’s go wrong and Morgan just wants Gretta to not try and help her because Morgan thinks Gretta messes up the spell’s. The type of conflict is Man vs. Man. Morgan tell Gretta to not use and more magic while she’s with Morgan.
I predict that Morgan will make new friends at her new school and will like Culver. My prediction was right because at the end of the story Morgan has new friends and she like’s Culver Junior High.
Funny Interesting Love Magic Magic Spells Wishes Mischief
Never let someone help you find friend’s or love in anything they’re just mess things up or confuse you in the things you decide.