Marco Cattaneo LHCb computing status for LHCC referees meeting 14 th June
Marco Cattaneo Data taking status Constant luminosity ~10 pb -1 /day HLT rate as foreseen 3kHz “physics” 2
Marco Cattaneo Tier 1 resource usage and shares Pledges Tier0/1% of total DE15.4% CERN29.3% NL20.9% IT11.2% UK16.9% ES6.3% FR27.6%
Marco Cattaneo Tier 1 usage pledge
Marco Cattaneo Reprocessing during data taking 5 Reprocessing Live data
Marco Cattaneo Reprocessing during data taking Reminder: end of year reprocessing will take ~3 months, must start before end of run Have reprocessed all 2011 data taken before May Technical stop Started during TS, continued in parallel to data taking Saturated Tier1’s, built up large queues of waiting jobs Number of running jobs at several Tier1 is below pledges Reasons under investigation 6
Marco Cattaneo Tier 2 usage (simulation) pledge
Marco Cattaneo Reprocessing prospects Commissioning of Tier2 for reprocessing Pilot sites selected Production tests imminent Use of online farm for reprocessing Being investigated within online project In both cases, we hope to be able to use some of these resources for 2011 reprocessing Largely dependent on availability of manpower for commissioning, same manpower as for operations 8
Marco Cattaneo Memory usage issue Observation of logarithmic increase in memory usage of jobs Proportional to volume of I/O Due to way in which LHCb uses ROOT via POOL Implemented a new persistency directly in ROOT To be deployed before end of year Allows more efficient (longer) stripping jobs 9 POOL ROOT