Social Changes
Fashions and fads of the 70’s My pet rock came from the 70’s, as well as lava lamps and streaking.[9] Bell Bottom jeans and tie-dye shirts were very popular. This picture is from That 70’s show.
Film Great movies such as Star Wars and Jaws were released during the 70’s and are still praised today. Others included Rocky, The exorcist, The Godfather, and American Graffiti. [2]
Music The Genres Disco and funk were the most popular of the 70s, other genres rising to the top were, punk rock, reggae, and progressive rock.
Political Changes
Laws Laws against Environmental injustice and Domestic Violence were established during the 70s.[7]
Civil Rights Women’s independence, Gloria Steinem. African Americans led a light to other races to act against discrimination. [6]
Amendments Equal rights amendment[8] 2nd amendment
Historical Events
Nixon Foreign policy Nixon was the first US President to visit China. This isolated Russia forcing them to negotiate with America and join a peace treaty with the US known as Détente. [3] Impeachment The Watergate scandal
Iranian Revolution “Death to the Shah” Call to the end of Monarchy[5]
The Munich Massacre a terrorist attack during the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Germany.[4]
Important People
Harvey Milk American politician who became the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California.[10]
Cesar Chavez Cesar Chavez was an American farm worker, labor leader and civil rights activist.[11]
James (Jimmy) Carter James Carter was the 39 th president of the united states. He was a democrat and did a lot to further our country by an increase of over 8 million jobs and breaking of many racial barriers in government.[12]
Technological advancements
Cray’s Super Computer In 1976 the Cray-1 Supercomputer was introduced leading the world over in all technological fields.[14]
Floppy disk In 1970 the floppy disk was invented by Alan Shugart[13]
The Artificial Heart This was a HUGE advancement in the medical field, it was unheard of and is still a medical phenomena today.[13]
Miscellaneous Pong, the first video game, the first word processor, the first disposable lighter, roller blades, post-it notes, cell-phones, the walkman, and liposuction were all invented during the 70’s [13]
The 70’s man!