Safe Schools Coalition
The Safe Schools Coalition is a public-private partnership in support of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender youth. Its mission: “to help schools - at home and all over the world - become safe places where every family can belong, where every educator can teach, and where every child can learn, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.”
SSC Philosophies Every student deserves to be safe and to feel recognized at school, including GLBTQ youth and children with GLBT parents.
We are partners, not adversaries, of schools … and we understand that educators have a really full plate and huge responsibilities. SSC Philosophies Every student deserves …
We are partners... SSC Philosophies It is wrong -- and also counterproductive -- to compare oppressions … and just because our focus is anti-gay violence doesn’t mean we can afford to ignore racism, xenophobia, etc.
SSC addresses the needs of gay, lesbian, bi, trans, queer and questioning children and teens of students with GLBT parents, guardians, and other family members of GLBT parents/ guardians and educators thinks of kids who get harassed because somebody thinks they’re gay.
What’s that look like? Intervention Services SAFE-SAFE org Technical Assistance & Policy Advocacy Resources –reports –posters – list serve –television PSAs –web site Training & Education Research
SSC Structure truly a coalition -- no paid staff no 501(c)3 status -- fiscal agent is Rosehedge 3 co-chairs 3 co-secretaries contracted webspinner contracted speakers’ bureau manager
volunteers & agencies contribute: membership co-chairs intervention chair & specialists speakers bureau manager speakers/trainers warehousing & distribution list serve management financial oversight development some costs of printing, mailing, training SSC Structure, continued...