English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) & District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) Composition, Role, & Responsibility
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Requirement for an ELAC CA Code of Regulations--Title 5 §11308: Each school with more than 20 English learners must establish an ELAC.
Purpose of an ELAC To be a voice for English learners and ensure that their needs are addressed in order for them to be academically successful.
Parent Selection Requirement The parents or guardians of English learners must be provided the opportunity to vote and elect the parent members of the ELAC.
ELAC Composition Requirement Parents or guardians, or both, of English learners must constitute membership on the committee in at least the same percentage as their children and wards represent of the total number of pupils in the school. EXAMPLE: If 40% of the student population are English learners, at least 40% of the parents (or guardians) on the committee must be a parent (or guardian) of an English learner.
ELAC Responsibilities Advise the principal and staff on the school’s program for English learners. Advise the School Site Council on the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Assist in the development of the school’s: Needs Assessment Language Census Report Efforts to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.
ELAC Training The school district must provide all members with appropriate training materials and training which will assist them in carrying out their responsibilities. Training must be planned in full consultation with ELAC members. LCFF funds may be used to pay for this training.
Electing a DELAC Representative Each ELAC must have the opportunity to elect at least one member to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC). Districts with more than 30 ELACs may use a system of proportional or regional representation.
Delegating Authority for ELAC Responsibilities to the SSC
Elect an ELAC with identifiable members. Step 1
ELAC members need to be informed and knowledgeable of their legal responsibilities before they vote to delegate. Step 2
Determine if the parent members of the School Site Council (SSC) represent parents or guardians of English leaners in at least the same percentage that English learners represent of the total number of pupils in the school. Step 3
At a scheduled ELAC meeting, discuss and vote to delegate the ELAC legal responsibilities to the SSC--for a period up to two years. Record this decision in the ELAC minutes. Step 4
The SSC, at the next regularly scheduled meeting, the SSC must be informed of all ELAC legal responsibilities. The SSC must vote to accept the responsibilities of the ELAC Record the decision in the SSC minutes. Step 5
The SSC agendas must address ELAC issues. Step 6
An ELAC must be re-constituted after a maximum of up to two years. Step 7
District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
Requirement for a DELAC CA Code of Regulations--Title 5 §11308: Each school district with more than 50 English learners must establish a DELAC.
DELAC Composition Parents of guardians of English learner pupils who are not employed by the district must constitute a majority of the committee. The district may designate an existing district-wide advisory committee if the parents or guardians of English learners on the committee represent at least the same percentage that English learners represent of the total number of pupils in the district and a subcommittee is established on which parents or guardians of English learners constitute a majority.
DELAC Responsibilities Advise the school district governing board on the following: Development of a district master plan for educational programs and services for English learners that takes into consideration the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Conducting a district-wide needs assessment on a school-by- school basis. Establishment of district program, goals & objectives for programs & services for English learners.
DELAC Responsibilities (cont.) Advise the school district governing board on the following: Development of a plan to ensure compliance with any applicable teacher and instructional aide requirements. Administration of the annual Language Census Report. Review and comment on the written notifications required to be sent to parents and guardians.
DELAC Training The school district must provide all members with appropriate training materials and training which will assist them in carrying out their responsibilities. Training must be planned in full consultation with DELAC members. LCFF funds may be used to pay for this training.