Title 1 Coordinators’ Meeting October 23, 2015 Pacoima Parent Community Center
Welcome Local District Northeast Coordinators: Sue Florindez- (818) Anthony (Tony) Karch-(818) STAR Educational Systems Presentation Art Rowles and Shane Rowles
Meeting Objectives: 1.Coordinators will review take aways from September Meeting and understand important information related to FPM, Title 1 Funding, and Parent Involvement. 2.Coordinators will know upcoming compliance deadlines ( Important dates/items to be submitted).
Agenda Discussion of the “Take-Aways” from the September Meeting Meal Applications Annual Title I Meeting for Parents Budgets with Pending Distribution
Agenda continued-Preparation for FPM Frequency of Non-Compliant Compensatory Education (CE) Items* Questionable Title I Expenditures & Schools picked by Audit
Frequency of Non Compliant Items I Involvement: Parents, staff, students, and community members participate in developing, implementing, and evaluating core and categorical programs. I-CE 02: School Parent Involvement Policy (PIP) 16.07% Oct. 30, Agenda, sign-ins, minutes form Annual Title 1 Mtg. Dec. 11, Evidence that PIP was developed/discussed, agenda, sign-ins, motion to approve, evidence that PIP was distributed Evidence that staff was trained to work w/parents-2 times Parent Workshop calendar for entire year Agenda, fliers for parent workshops for ELA/Math/Science/Social St.
Frequency of non compliant items cont. II Governance and Administration-policies, plans and administration of categorical programs meets statutory requirements II-CE 07: School Site Council Composition 22.32% Sept. 30, 2015: SSC and ELAC certification forms due to LDNE PACE II CE 08:SSC approves SPSA 33.04% Evidence that SPSA was discussed/reviewed/approved Evidence that school’s budget were discussed Evidence that date was reviewed to inform budgets/programs/progress
Frequency of non compliant items cont. III Funding- Allocations and use of funds meet statutory requirements and allowable expenses III-CE 18:Supplement not supplant with CE $ 25.89% Evidence includes SPSA, budgets, invoices, and duty statements III-CE 19: LEA Administrative Charges; Time Accounting 20.54% Evidence includes a list of personnel funded by 7S046, job descriptions, time reporting documentation III-CE 20: Equipment Inventory 17.86% Evidence includes 5 year inventory and physical inspection every 2 yrs.
Frequency of non compliant items cont. IV Standards, Assessment and Accountability -categorical programs are based on the assessed needs of program participants and achieve the intended outcomes IV-CE 27: SSC and LEA Annually Evaluates SPSA services 22.32% Evidence includes SSC documentation that the SPSA Evaluation was discussed and approved
Agenda continued-Funding Title I Programs – Funding Sample Budget Adjustment REF , Imprest Funds, dated September 15, 2015, select pages BUL , Additional Review Process for Supplemental Instructional Materials (SIM) Purchased with Title I Funds, dated June 22, 2016 BUL , Restricted use of P-Card, Ghost Card and Travel Card (T-Card) for Title I Program Purchases, dated June 22, 2015 TSP/10400 Plans
Sample Budget Adjustment Request
TSP Plans-10400
Agenda continued-Funding CPA Job Description & Sample Multi-Funded Time Report/Attachment F-1 Select pages from Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)-Draft and Inter-Office Correspondence from October 14, 2015, on SPSA Trainings
LDNE SPSA Trainings Part 1: Principal and One Team Member 11/4- Rome Network 8:00-11:30 at Sylmar HS 11/4- Nichols Network 12:30-4:00 at Sylmar HS 11/5- Arreguin Network 8:00-11:30 at Sylmar HS 11/5- Lino Network 12:30-4:00 at Sylmar HS 11/6- Campbell Network 8:00-11:30 at Parent Community Center 11/6- Noble Network 12:30-4:00 at Parent Community Center
LDNE SPSA Training cont. Part 2: Principal/Administrator (voluntary) 12/2- 8:00-11:00 Nichols Network at Roscoe PDC 12/2- 12:00-3:00 Rome Network at Roscoe PDC 12/3- 8:00-11:00 Lino Network at Roscoe PDC 12/3- 12:00-3:00 Arreguin Network at Roscoe PDC 12/4- 8:00-11:00 Noble Network at Roscoe PDC 12/4- 12:00-3:00 Campbell Network at Roscoe PDC Principal will RSVP for these trainings at
Stretch Break
Agenda continued-Parent Involvement Summary of Bulletins on Parent Involvement School Site Council Year At A Glance Sample Parent Involvement Policy (PIP) and Parent-Student Compact
Title 1 Parent Involvement BUL /30/15 – Guidelines for the Required ELAC & Advisory Committees and SSC This Bulletin affirms the role of the School Site Council as a decision-making council and the advisory role of the English Learner Advisory Committee. Major Changes: Requires any school with high school students to form a SSC with student representation. Requires the posting of a sign advising that recording is in progress at each SSC/ELAC meeting location. Eliminates the 24-hour Emergency Meeting option. Establishes a minimum attendance requirement for continued membership (Attachment B2). Eliminates the five (5) day posting requirement for member and officer elections.
Parent Involvement cont. BUL-6336 – 7/21/14 - District Title I Parent Involvement Policy School Title I parent Involvement Policy describes how the school will engage parents. At the beginning of the school year, all principals must distribute the one-page description of the LAUSD Title I Parent Involvement Policy to all parents of Title I students. Address the contents of the policy with parents of Title I students at the annual Title I parent meeting. District policy and School Goals for Parent Engagement, must guide the development of the School Title I Parent Involvement Policy and school-parent compact. School Title I Parent Involvement Policy is jointly developed with and approved by parents of Title I students.
Parent Involvement cont. REF – 8/17/15 - Principal’s Portal Certification for Local Control and Accountability Plan and for Title I Parent Involvement Requirements Principals will certify through the Principal’s Portal that they have met all parent involvement requirements for the LCAP and for the Title I Program, if their schools are receiving Title I funds. To access the Principal’s Portal, go to Click on the Parent, Community and Student Services Certification link. Enter the LAUSD Single-Sign On username and password. School Site Council (SSC) Certification Form, Title I Annual Meeting Certification, District Title I Parent Involvement Policy, School Title I Parent Involvement Policy, Title I School-Parent Compact, Parent Workshops.
Parent Involvement cont. BUL – 7/30/15 - Purchase of Meals/Refreshments/Food for School and District Advisory Committees. Changes: This Bulletin replaces BUL It defines refreshments to include protein snacks and restricts the provision of meals. Refreshments only for school and District advisory committee meetings from approved funds Only one serving of refreshments per four-hour meeting. Meetings for District committees may not exceed six hours without the written approval of the District administrator. School meetings may not exceed four hours without the written approval of the administrator responsible for committee operations at the site. A boxed lunch/meal is permitted when the meeting/activity exceeds four hours.
Parent Involvement cont. BUL /30/15 - Establishing and Administering Volunteer Programs Changes: Principal may require all volunteers, at any time, to arrange for a fingerprint clearance if deemed necessary. Volunteer coaches for high school athletics to be approved through LAUSD’s Interscholastic Athletic Department. Only the principal or the administrative designee may terminate a person’s volunteer service. Continuing volunteers or volunteer program designees must update the online application annually.
Evaluation and Next Meeting (HO# Please fill out the evaluation Our Next Meeting is: November 19 8:00-11:00-Elementary 12:00-3:00-Secondary