Mr Beaumont
Know the meaning of PESSCL Understand why and when PESSCL was introduced Outline what the PESSCL strategy consists of Be made aware of the 8 strands of the PESSCL strategy especially SSP and SSCO
Mr Beaumont PESSCL = Physical education school sport and club links Introduced in 2003 to increase the % of school children taking part in 2 hours of high quality P.E or sport a week. 75% by % by 2008
Mr Beaumont All 5 – 16 year olds to be offered at least 4 hours of sport every week 2 hours of P.E in curriculum time 2 hours offered beyond the school day, delivered by the school, community and club links
Mr Beaumont Specialist Sports Colleges to be set up 402 so far – Castle community and Harvey Grammar are the closest to us. School Sports Partnerships – Clusters of schools associated with the sports colleges. School sports Co-ordinators (SSCos) are employed to work with the partnership schools DGSB SSCo, Pete Norton
Mr Beaumont
Professional Development – Free or cheap training provided to coaches, teachers and other professionals Step in to Sport – Encouraging sports leadership and volunteering. Courses run in schools and clubs such as junior and community sports leader awards School + club links – Links with local clubs in the area Task, In groups of 3 or 4, how many school club links can you come up with in 4 minutes??
Mr Beaumont Gifted and Talented – Supporting the most talented sportspeople. Involves talent identification, excellence, provision and support for young athletes Swimming – raise profile of swimming as an activity, £££’s spent on getting primary school pupils swimming at least 25m, swimming and water safety emphasis P.E and Sports investigation
Mr Beaumont What does PESSCL stand for? Physical Education School Sports Links What is the main was the aim of the PESSCL strategy? Increase the % of school children taking part in 2 hours a week of high quality P.E and school sports What is the aim by 2010? 4 hours of P.E a week to be offered to every 5 to 16 year old Name one of the 8 Strand strategy and give and example SSC – Castle SSP / SSCO’s Professional development – eachers/coaches Step into sport – Leadership programmes School/club links G + T – Provision, excellence, talent identification, support Swimming – Primary school P.E investigation