Grant holder's insurance cover provided by Mela Minna Isoksela-Valkola Helsinki
Mela security for recipients of grants or scholarships The mandatory earnings-based Mela–security consists of three parts: Pension insurance (MYEL) accrues pension (old-age pension / disability pension). Occupational accident insurance (MATA) covers injuries caused by accidents at work with the grant, and occupational diseases. It is an accident insurance, not a medical insurance. – The MYEL-insured has entitled to Mela short-term sickness allowance for the waiting days of the sickness allowance payable from KELA (The Social Insurance institution of Finland). Group life insurance. The surviving family members of the insured are eligible for compensation under this insurance in the event of death of the insured. The insurance can be complemented with a voluntary accident insurance (MATA) in case of leisure time accidents. Grand recipient must himself/herself apply the insurance Mela 2
Preconditions for insuring the work with a grant or a scholarship The grant for scientific or artistic work is awarded from Finland to a person who is covered by Finnish social security during the working period. – rules for being in Finnish social security varies depending on recipients homecountry (EU or outside EU) The work with the grant last for at least four months. The amount of the grant is at least 3 751,07 euro (in a yearly level). (for the four-month period at least euro) Grant recipient is not already a retired pensioner. Grant recipient is at the age between 18 and 67. A person using a grant, awarded to a research group, is also insured, if his or hers personal share of the grant fulfills the conditions mentioned above. A grant awarded outside Finland is not insured under Farmer's pension act (MYEL) Mela 3
Insurance period Each grant or scholarship is insured separately, if insurance criteria are met. The insurance is for a fixed term only: – for the period defined by the awarder of the grant,or – for the length of the period defined by the awarder, starting on the day defined by grant recipient, or – for the period defined by grant recipient (if the awarder has not taken a position). The earliest starting day is the day when the grant was awarded. The accumulated pension is stored in the system for further payment. – further pension can be paid anywhere in the world The occupational accident insurance start and end simultaneously with the pension insurance. The leisure time accident insurance can be on force only with the occupational accident insurance Mela 4
The level of the insurance cover The insurance cover is based on annual earnings witch is based on the total amount of the grant or scholarship. If part of the grant is awarded to expenses related to the work, they are subtracted before the annual earnings is defined amount of the the grant – the estimated amount of the expenses number of days in the working period If the awarder of the grant do not state differently, at most half of the grant can be allocated to expenses. The grant holder should state an estimate for the expenses while applying the insurance. This estimate is not changed after the insurance decision is made. The annual earnings is used to determine further pensions, accident compensations for loss of income, and the Mela short-time sickness allowance. It is also used to calculate daily allowances payable by Kela (f.ex maternity and parental allowance or sickness allowance), but it does not affect to unemployment benefits. All Mela insurance payments are calculated based on the annual earnings Mela 5 x 360
Example On Nessling Foundation awarded a grant of euro for six months work and for the expences related to the work. The grant recipient starts to use the grant on 1st of August 2015, and states that euros share of the grant is used to buy some material related to the work. – The insurance application should be done before the end of October The grant recipient is insured from 1st of August 2015 to 31st of January The annual earnings of the insured is ( )/180 * 360 = euro. Insurance premiums are approximately euro Mela 6
Grant recipient coming from outside Finland Insurance is mandatory whenever the insurance criteria are met, and the recipient of the grant is eligible for Finnish social security. Persons coming from EU/EEA country or Switzerland are (mainly) insured in Finland. – if grant recipient has A1 from another EU/EEA country then he/she is not insured in Finland. Persons coming from other countries are insured if they have been employed or they have over one year working period with grant in Finland just before the grant period, or if they have a decision from KELA for beeing in Finnish social security (f.ex based on family relationship to Finland) Mela 7
Belonging to Finnish social security system outside Finland The Finnish residence-based social security system is a package which you take completely with you, or not at all. When pension-insured work is done outside Finland – in EU/EEA country or in Switzerland you need a certificate from ETK (Finnish Centre for Pension) – in other countries you usually need a certificate from ETK or from KELA While working abroad, you can be insured as an employee, grant recipient, researcher or entrepreneur. If you are working in two or more countries, or you get salary from abroad and grant from Finland, please check your status separately Mela 8
Examples Examble 1: Foundation X awards euro for one year research (including expenses) in Germany, and states that you need to use at least euro per month for your work (the rest can be used for expenses). – If you apply certificate from ETK, you will be insured for one year and your annual earnings will be at least euro. – If you do not apply the certificate from ETK, you will no longer be covered by the Finnish social security, and you will not receive any benefits from Finland. When returning to Finland you will be treated as any foreing person or returnee. Examble 2: Foundation X awards euro for over one year research (including expenses) in China. – You will be insured, if Kela keeps you in the Finnish social security – Your annual earnings will be at least euro Mela 9
Insurance payments Mela sends the invoice from the insurance to the grant recipient. 1-4 invoices in a year – if insurance period is at most six month, you will receive only one invoice – for longer insurances, the billing period is three months – retrospective period is always charged with one invoice Insurance costs are tax deductible. With taxation grant recipient pays also some fees based on the health insurance law, even if the grant itself is tax-free (also the YLE-tax can be determined from MYEL- annual earnings). The costs of the insurance are approximately % of the amount of the grant – the current premiums are validated yearly by the ministry of social affairs and health – see Premium calculator on Mela's web-sitePremium calculator on Mela's web-site Mela 10
Contact details/More informations Internet > Apurahansaajat – forms, brochures and FAQ (also in English) Customer service – also secure possibility Applying the insurance (only in Finnish or in Swedish) – – application should be done within three months after the grant work have started Mela 11