Suzie Student Ms. Brauneis Eng II- 4 November 2, 2011 Ender’s Game Ch. 5 Evaluate the reason of Ender’s isolation. Examine how the launchies learned their way around the ship. It’s very important because they are evaluating him on his behavior; their goal is to make him a great leader like Mazar Rachkham. “His isolation can’t be broken. He can never come to believe that anybody will ever help him out, ever. If he once thinks there’s an easy way out, he’s wrecked” (Card 38). They learned their way around the ship by using the lighted dots on the floor. “whenever you’re assigned a path to follow, it will be red, yellow, yellow” (Card 39-40).
Suzie Student Ms. Brauneis Eng II- 4 November 2, 2011 Ender’s Game Ch. 5 Differentiate Dap from the other leader, Graff. Elaborate the purpose of the game room. He’s being paid to be nice to them and he’s being concerned about them. Graff does not care about them, he just wants to make the best soldiers to save the world. “I’m the only person here who’s paid to be nice to you.” “If you get lost in the school, just tell someone that your mom is Dap” (Card 40). “Gives you a delicious feeling of power, doesn’t it? Especially because this time if we lose there won’t be any criticism of us at all” (Card 38). It’s meant to train the students in the art of combat and military strategies through role play. “The player could of made traps: mines, drifting bombs, loops in the air that forced the enemy ship to repeat endlessly” (Card 46).
Suzie Student Ms. Brauneis Eng II- 4 November 2, 2011 Ender’s Game Ch. 5 Evaluate Ender’s strategy in beating the older boys in the game. Visualize Bernard’s embarrassment when he saw the message on his desk. Ender watched how the older boys played the game, and once he caught on, he was able to beat the older boys. “But Ender learned a lot and was doing much better by the time the game ended” (Card 47). You can visualize the anger on his face when he turned red. “Bernard went red with anger.” “Who did this? He shouted” (Card 50).
Suzie Student Ms. Brauneis Eng II- 4 November 2, 2011 Ender’s Game Ch. 5 Based off of the known facts, predict why Shen decided to sit next to Ender. Infer the problems that occurred when Ender hacked the computer. Shen decide to sit next to Ender because Ender stood up to Bernard, degrading him in front of everyone. “Bernard’s attempt to be ruler of the room was broken- only a few stayed with him now” (Card 53). “They’re calling him Buttwatcher now. Just Watcher in front of the teachers, but everybody knows what he’s watching” (Card 52). He couldn’t make a teacher but he could make A student that didn’t exist and messed with Bernard. “Ender hadn’t cracked the teacher’s security system yet, so he couldn’t pretend to be a teacher. But he was able to set up a file for a nonexistent student, whom he whimsically named God” (Card 49).