Tearin’ It Up Dirt Bikes™ Nick Dumford Trevor Scherlin Travis Vogel
Background Trevor won the company on a coin flip and changed the name in Asked Nick and Travis if they would like to help run the company. Tearin’ It Up Dirt Bikes™ re-opened its storefront in early 2007 Online presence 2007
Roles CEO Scherlin – Responsible for all company operations. CFO Dumford – Responsible for all financial transactions and health. CTO Vogel – Responsible for all technology in storefront and online presence.
Storefront Provide dirt bikes, parts, accessories and repair services. Our featured brand is Honda Dirt Bike products. Specialize in providing quality bikes and parts. Branded bikes: the Dirt Shredder 9000®, Dirt Thrower 3000®, Dirt Tosser 500®
Online Presence Online, parts and accessories Forward and Back Navigator Overnight Delivery Customer Appreciation Specials
Customer Demographics Entry to veteran riders Riders throughout the Rocky Mountain Region Majority of online users are experienced riders and racers. In-Store purchases are targeted at entry level riders.
Marketing Mix Price Based on expenses and competition Promotion Adjug- web2.0 Holiday Specials Customer Rewards Product All terrain equipment Accessories Place Known as Marketing Channels Direct Channels to the Customer
Marketing Mix Online Adjug Daily Promotions Online only specials Storefront Billboard Space Sponsorships Magazine ads
E-Commerce Revenue Models Advertisting Revenue Model Revenue from ad space on website Expose visitors to similar ads Sales Revenue Model Derive Revenue from online sales Goods or services Affiliate Revenue Model Leads to business with our company Transfers customers to other sites for referral fee
Sales Cloud provided by Sales Force Sales Cloud is the worlds #1 Sales Application Allows business to increase revenues, increase productivity, and get visibility into your business Multiple features available to progress business integration Social Networking Pages Contact History
Pros of Sales Force Sales Force provides Chatter Efficient communication in and outside the workplace Up-to-Date information Current Opportunities and deals
Web 2.0 Technologies Chargify Shoply HeapNote Adjug
Go Tear it Up!
References 2012 compare best crm software. (2012). Retrieved from AdJug Ltd. (2012). Adjug - the online advertising exchange. Retrieved from Chargify LCC. (2012). Chargify. Retrieved from Customer stories. (2012). Retrieved from HeapNote. (2012). Heapnote - the best online notebook. Retrieved from Laudon, K. and Laudon, J. (2012). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Sales cloud. (2012). Retrieved from Shoply. (2012). Shopping marketplace. showcasing awesome since Retrieved from