DEATH & TAXES The true toll of tax dodging
Exposing the scandal of poverty and challenging systems which make people poor
Fighting for debt cancellation
Jubilee 2000 Debt Campaign G8 countries at Cologne in 1999 committed to cancelling $111 billion of debt At Gleneagles in 2005 world leaders agreed to cancel debt for Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs)
Supporting Fairtrade Campaigning for fair trade since Helped establish the Fairtrade Foundation and Divine. In 2007 UK consumers spent more than £400 million on products carrying the Fairtrade logo.
Calling for trade justice
Trade Justice: EPAs Exposing the myth of economic liberalisation as a solution to poverty. Only 1 of 6 regions have signed a FULL EPA DFID withheld £50 million of funding to the World Bank in September 2006
But what if poor countries had their own resources to pay for their own development?
They do…
How the UK Government raises taxes How the UK Government spends taxes
How much corporation tax? UK US Zambia Peru 28% 35% 30%
The Price is Right?
How your £1 is chopped up…
A slippery business
People who add the real value
Why Tax?
Poor countries currently have to rely on aid
£80bn in potential revenue
Saving up to 1000 lives a day
no more secrecy no more excuses
“Christian Aid believes that the creation of effective and fair taxation systems in the developing world is the only way that poor countries can end their dependence on aid and stand on their own feet” Death & Taxes Report, 2008