M ULTIMEDIA W ORKSHOP T UTORIAL CC G ROUP W EBSITE (C OLLABORATIVE PROJECT ) You may review Tutorials AA and BB before you begin your project.
L ET ’ S GET STARTED !! Double click to open Internet Explorer
View this video before you add an enhanced text page to your web site x
Please collaborate to create a basic web page
Scroll to bottom to click on 2011 Teacher Web Inc. Scroll to bottom click on—Add new page Add a new page---choose—Enhanced text Name your page (choose an image---optional) Click Add page This page will be used to write about your experiences during this workshop and how you plan to use your website. Follow the same steps shown above to add two additional pages: Photos/documents My pages---upload your own HTML file You may add additional features to enhance your page.
Reminder: to add video and photos to your page: Please review the handout to complete this process. Please proofread and make a final decision regarding your group project. Thank you.