1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities ASAC Meeting National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II) Project July 17 – 18, 2008 George Ganetis Power Supplies and Electrical Utilities
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Power Supplies, Utilities, & Safety Systems - Outline Power Supplies - Main Dipole PS - Multipole – Quadrupole & Sextupole PS - Corrector PS - PS Controls - Summary Electrical & Mechanical Utilities - Equipment Enclosures & Cooling System - Equipment Layout on Mezzanine - Racks and Cable Tray Layouts - AC Power Connections to Accelerator Equipment - Summary
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Design Goals PS will be designed for very high reliability. - Use of standard commercial power converters where possible. - Minimize custom designs on the power converters. - Minimize connections between ps components. - Use high performance connections between ps components. - Provide a stable and clean environment for the ps. - Design ps to allow fast and easy replacement of any failed components. - Use instrumentation to monitor and track ps performance and the temperature of critical components in each power supply. PS will have at least a 20 % operating current margin. PS are located in the equipment area above the tunnel except for certain transport line ps. The main dipole, quadrupole, sextupole, trim dipole, skew quadrupole power supplies are designed to stay at a fixed current. Fast global (100 Hz) dipole corrector power supplies will be part of beam-based feedback system. Electrical Safety - All power supplies will conform to the latest BNL safety requirements, especially concerning arc flash protection. Whenever possible, NRTL-listed equipment will be used. - Arc flash hazard analysis and mitigation will be incorporated in the design efforts
4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Power Supplies - Technical Summary Power Supply -Model QtyMax. Voltage Max Current Configuration Stability / Resolution ppm of max Operation Main Dipole11200 V 450 A2 SCR converters, center point tied to GND DC 2 Quadrant Large Aperture Trim 1300 V 13 AUnipolar Switch-Mode Analog Curr. Regulator DC 1 Quadrant Quadrupole -A -B -C -D V 22 V 30 V 175 A 215 A Unipolar Switch-Mode Analog Curr. Regulator 1 PS per Magnet DC 1 Quadrant Sextupole -A -B -C -D V 60 V 80 V 16 V 120 A 165 A 120 A Unipolar Switch-Mode Analog Curr. Regulator Model A & B = 1 PS per 6 Magnets Model C = 1 PS per 12 Magnets Model D = 1 PS per 2 Magnets DC 1 Quadrant Dipole Trim – Corrector -C Skew Quad Corrector-C V 5 A Bipolar Linear Analog Curr. Regulator DC 4 Quadrant Alignment Horz. & Vert. Correctors -D V 24 A Bipolar Linear Using Pre -Regulator Analog Curr. Regulator Hz 2 Quadrant Global Horz. & Vert. Correctors -A V 24 ABipolar Switch-Mode Analog Curr. Regulator Hz 4 Quadrant Insertion Horz. & Vert. Correctors -B 6420 V 5 ABipolar Linear Analog Curr. Regulator Hz 4 Quadrant
5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Power Supplies – Main Dipole PS Rating V 450 A ( Transformer taps can be used to lower voltage ) Baseline design has two 12-pulse SCR converters that are connected in series with the center point connected to ground. This will reduce the voltage to ground at the magnet load and reduce the voltage rating on various converter components Each converter will have a two-stage LCRL passive filter and a series pass active filter to reduce the ripple current to low levels. Combined digital and analog control system with a digital feed forward system. Technical review committee recommended that the power converters be changed to a switch mode topology. A design study is in progress to do an analysis on this recommendation. A proto-type digital current regulator is being constructed and will be tested soon. Baseline wiring diagram is done and procurement specifications for various sub-systems are being drafted. Mezzanine PS enclosure engineering layout is done. Baseline drawing will done soon. Large Aperture trim power supply still needs engineering design.
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Power Supplies – Main Dipole
7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Multipole Power Supplies – Quadrupole & Sextupole ( TCR ) Quadrupole circuits will use one power supply for each magnet. Sextupole circuits will use one power supply for a family of sextupole magnets. There are 9 sextupole families for each pentant. Eight of the families will have 6 magnets ( Except for pentants that have damping wigglers) in it and 1 family will have 12 magnets. There are also 12 circuits with two magnets. There are 4 circuits that are located at each of the three damping wiggler straights. The power converter section is a commercial voltage-controlled switch-mode design. Power converter is rated from 3, 4, & 6.6 kW for the Quads and 3,5, & 10 kW for the Sextupoles. The power converters fit in a standard 19-inch electronics rack and are only 3.5 to 5.25 inches high. These power supplies are air-cooled. Prototype precision analog regulators are in the detailed design phase. Prototype AC input modules are designed and are being assembled and tested. Procurement specifications and drawing packages are being developed. Informal vendor quotes are in progress.
8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Multipole Power Supplies ( TCR ) Detailed 3-D models are being done for each multipole power supply type.
9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Multipole Power Supplies ( TCR ) Baseline wiring diagrams are done for all multipole ps and procurement specifications for various sub-systems are being drafted.
10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Correctors - Power Supplies ( Baseline ) Fast Global Corrector Power Supplies ( Corrector A) Four quadrant switch-mode class D amplifier to be incorporated into a bipolar current regulated power supply. This configuration was chosen because of the need for high current for slow alignment and high voltage for bandwidth for beam stability system. Amplifier has a switching frequency of 81 kHz which gives a ripple current of ~ 2 ppm. Current Reference uses two 18 bit DACs that will have an effective resolution of 20 bits. Two Prototype power supplies have been constructed and are being tested with a prototype corrector magnet. Transfer function and cross talk measurements are being made. Fast Insertion Corrector Power Supplies ( Corrector B) Four quadrant linear amplifier to be incorporated into a bipolar current regulated power supply. Current Reference uses a 18 bit DAC Common Features For Both Fast Power Supplies The power supplies will use a DCCT as the current feedback device The PSI used for this application will have to a minimum of 10 kHz data transfer rate. The controls and basic topology are the same as the quadrupole ps except for the PSI and PSC These power supplies are air-cooled.
11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Correctors - Power Supplies ( Baseline ) Alignment Corrector Power Supplies ( Corrector D) The ps is a bipolar, two-quadrant, current-regulated linear design. The ps uses a linear power amplifier and a switch-mode pre-regulator to minimize the power dissipation in the amplifier. The pre-regulator is a commercial voltage-controlled switch-mode 1 kW power converter. (33V, 33A) Current Reference uses a 18 bit DAC. Dipole & Skew Quad Trim Power Supplies ( Corrector C) Four quadrant linear amplifier to be incorporated into a bipolar current regulated power supply. Current Reference uses a 16 bit DAC Common Features For Both Fast Power Supplies The power supplies will use a DCCT as the current feedback device The controls and basic topology are the same as the quadrupole ps These power supplies are air-cooled.
12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Correctors - Power Supplies ( Baseline ) ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Baseline wiring diagrams are done for all corrector ps and procurement specifications for various sub-systems are being drafted.
13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Correctors - Power Supplies ( Baseline ) ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Detailed 3-D models are being done for each corrector power supply type.
14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Power Supplies – Controls & Instrumentation Controls Power Supply Controller ( PSC ) will serves as a single channel waveform function generator (wfg), 8 channel transient waveform recorder (twr) and have digital I/O for ps state control and status read-backs. Data transfer rates will be ~ 10 kHz. The power supply interface ( PSI ) will have 1 or 2 analog outputs ( 16 to 18 bit ) for the current reference, 8 analog input channels that will be used to monitor the ps performance, and 8 digital outputs and 8 digital inputs for ps state control. Data transfer rates will be ~ 10 kHz. Both PSC and PSI are modified version of an existing BNL design. A prototype PSI is in the detailed design phase. Instrumentation Redundant DCCTs will be used to confirm the power supply current reproducibility. High-precision DMMs and scanners will be used to monitor the ps current, the redundant current sensor, and the analog current set point. This equipment will ensure long-term stability and reproducibility. Temperature monitoring of the magnet coils and power system environment will be accomplished using low-cost digital ( “ 1-Wire devices ” ) temperature sensors. Input current on all ps is measured by low cost digital “ 1-Wire devices ” current sensor. These sensors are built into the AC Input Control Modules Both temperature sensors and current monitors have been designed and prototypes have been constructed and tested.
15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Power Supply - R&D, Summary & Next 12 to 18 Months R&D Component evaluation tests continue on power supplies, power amplifiers, DCCTs etc. Test of Corrector A with a magnet load. R&D continues on ps reliability issues. - Developing ps monitoring instrumentation. Summary Baseline drawings for the multipole and corrector ps have been completed and procurement specifications have been started. Technical requirements for the multipole power supplies are maturing. ( TCR ) More technical details of the system are in the PDR and presentations made to the various design reviews. Corrector magnet circuits for the insertion region still needs to mature. ( Quantities and location) Work continues on detailed designs of prototype ps controls and packaging. Next 12 to 18 Months Design & construction of evaluation prototypes of ps systems. This should in include the PSI, PSC, Reg/Con, and AC input modules. Finish designs of the physical layout of ps components in the equipment enclosures. Finish detailed analysis of main dipole ps and make a choice between a switch mode or a SCR converter. Finish remaining preliminary designs and continue final designs on systems. Get procurement packages ready - Specifications and SOW
16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Electrical Utilities - Equipment Enclosures Equipment Enclosures All power supplies & equipment will be mounted in sealed NEMA 12 electronics racks, the only exceptions could be for the main dipole ps, safety systems, and booster ps. Chilled water to air heat exchangers will cool a sets racks. ( ~ 5000 kW cooling capacity per rack ) Storage ring racks will be located above the magnet tunnel in the equipment area. 440 racks for day one storage ring, and 40 racks for injection systems Prototype in-house rack cooling system is designed and constructed and is under testing. Commercial rack system is being assembled and evaluation testing will start.
17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Electrical Utilities - Equipment Enclosures ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities 7 Heater chassis are mounted in each rack that can produce 4.5 kW of heat load per rack. Testing is to see how much heat Can be removed from racks for a given flow of chilled water. Final test will be to install a power supply in the test racks and see how it performs
18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Electrical Utilities – Rack Group Layouts Mezzanine Equipment Layout Racks for all accelerator electrical system have been located on mezzanine. Baseline drawing are being developed for a nominal 3 cell configuration, injection straight, main dipole, & RF straights Designs includes penetrations into storage ring tunnel through offset conduits. AC power equipment is also located on the drawings. ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities
19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Electrical Utilities – Racks & Cable Tray ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Detailed 3-D models are being develop with equipment racks, cable tray, offset conduits, and tunnel equipment. Large effort spent to develop interface information for conventional facilities. Wiring spreadsheets are being developed for all accelerator systems and detailed wiring schedules are being developed. Models are being used to develop detailed plan view drawings for cable trays, and detailed length values for system cables.
20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Electrical Utilities –AC Power Connections AC Power Connections Route equipment power from the load panels provided by conventional facilities to the electrical loads This includes the cable tray, conduit, AC input power cable, AC power switches, and all associated components. Designs will minimize arc flash hazards. Have done equipment research for motorized circuit breakers for 480 circuits. Instrumentation will be used monitor temperature, current, voltages in critical components. Base lined one line AC power diagrams are done for typical mezzanine storage ring cell, injection straight, main dipole power supply, linac–booster service bldg, RF service bldg., cryo plant bldg., and pentant water system pumps. Continue to update detailed spreadsheet that identifies all accelerator and experimental electrical loads. ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities
21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Electrical Utilities – AC Power Connections ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities One line diagram for typical mezzanine storage ring cell
22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Electrical Utilities – Special AC Power Equipment Special AC Power Equipment AC power equipment includes UPS (uninterruptible power supplies) and/or AC line conditioning equipment. ( 30 kVA UPS planed for every cell for critical controls ) Design includes distribution panels and service transfer switches. Baseline one line AC power diagrams have included UPS systems. Engineering evaluation of UPS systems will take place at the end of this FY. ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities
23 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Electrical Utilities – R&D, Summary, Next 18 Months R&D R&D work continues on testing the chilled water to air heat exchangers. Build up of a complete set of racks and instrument it to measure thermal performance. Summary Base line drawings are being developed for mezzanine accelerator electrical equipment. Base line one line diagrams have been developed for most of accelerator systems. Detailed wiring and cable tray plan being engineered. Next 18 Months Finish Thermal performance measurements of racks. Finish preliminary designs and continue final designs. Get procurement packages ready - Specifications and SOW
24 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Backup Slide- Electrical Utilities ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Offset Conduit Layout – Top View looking Through the Storage Ring Tunnel Ceiling Equipment Rack on Mezzanine Equipment Rack on Mezzanine Tunnel Cable Tray Offset Conduit Dipole Magnet
25 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Backup Slide- Electrical Utilities ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Example of a Design Study for Cable Penetration in the Injector Complex Booster Ring Storage Ring Injection Straight Cable Tray Conduit Injection Systems Service Bldg.
26 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Backup Slide- Electrical Utilities ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Rack layouts are done to ensure there is sufficient rack space on the mezzanine
27 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Backup Slide- Electrical Utilities ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities
28 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Backup Slide- Corrector Power Supply ASAC Meeting NSLS-II Project July , 2008 G. Ganetis Power Supplies & Electrical Utilities Corrector Power Supplies 100 mm Corrector Magnet Coil to Measure Frequency Response of the magnetic Field