This instructional power point was created by staff of Lower Columbia College Library Services Winter 2011
Open Power Point Begin with “Programs” on your “start menu”.
Hold your mouse over “Microsoft Office. click
Then slide your mouse to “power point”. Click on Power Point.
Name your Power Point Use a name such as “Immigration” that says what the powerpoint is about. Type that name on the first page. Type your own name on the first page also.
Add 3 or 4 new slides.
Save your Power Point Click on the “Office” icon (4 colored squares) in the left corner of your screen. Select “save as”. Save it as a Power Point. Save it in “My Documents”.
Also open an internet session. Reduce your power point by clicking the “flat line” or “minimize” button in the upper right hand corner. Click the “internet explorer” icon on your desktop. Type “immigration forum basics” in the web search box. You should go to
In the search box, type your question or what you are looking for.
Find an article you like. Click on one or two links that come up from your search. Choose one that seems to answer your questions. Hint: the article on “Immigration Forum Basics” is in plain English and covers most topics.
Copy that page into your powerpoint. When you are looking at the right page: Hold down “ctrl” and “PrtSc” at the same time. This copies your page. Un-minimize your power point by clicking on it where it sits at the bottom of your page.
Click your mouse inside the biggest box on your slide. Press “ctrl” and “v” at the same time to paste the slide into your power point.
Now you summarize your article. Read your article and tell what it is about. Explain why you thought it was good. Pick 2-3 of these reasons: Content Author Current Accurate Objective Type your information in “notes”.
Next page is a sample of what we want you to make. On top is a citation. “Article Title”. Web site it came from. Name of the sponsoring agency. Date of the page. Web. Date I looked at it. In the middle is a copy of the page. At the bottom are my notes about the page.
Hurrah! You did it!