By: Carlos Andrés Palacios WHY WE MISS SUJATA!
FIRST TERM! Well during this first term, these 3 months, Sujata teach us many themes. One of that themes was “types of softwares”, or “introduction to internet”, or “what is a modem?”. We saw these themes to work in our final project that was to create a comersial.
Types of Software In these theme we learn what were the basic types of softwares. Also we learn what the systems of the softwares. And also the programing and the aplication of these. After we learn about these softwares anf how they work, and their functions, we investigate on the internet more about these theme to respond some questions she gave. When we were searching more about these themes we were working in different works about these theme.
Introduction to Internet When we were learning these theme, Sujata gave us some working paper with the basic information of the sub-themes that we were going to lear. After we finish reading and understanding thes basic things, Sujata advertice that we must searcha and learn more because we were going to have some thests.
Final Project This final project consists in two parts. The writen part. 1. in this part we must fallow some parameters of the design cycle. And the project that in this case was to create 1 movie sample of a commersial.
The Wiki! The last 2 months Sujata teach un how to create a movie, but wile we were learning how to use and create in windows movie maker, she “enseño” to us how to create and the functions of the wikispaces. She teach us every day somthing new about this web page and it function and this “theme” lasted to the second term.
SECOND TERM… In this term we learn the uses of the wiki. Also we learn how to create a podcast for our final project evaluation. And at the last month we search about what is networks.
How to create a podcast? Refering to the podcast, first we need to search what was a podcast, and then create it. In the investigatios, sujata show us some videos and powerpoint presentations to know and learn what is a podcast, but that info was the basic ones. Sujata also show us the importance of networks in videos and in pp too. The she send us home works to investigate more.
Microsoft Office Sujata also teach us how to use microsoft office. Wile she teach us about these software, she send us some home works like: searching their functions, of how to create one “hoja de trabajo”. She also teach us how to use Office and Exel at the same time, and hoy to pass une work of exel to the Office.
Final Project… In the final project, we follow the same procedures that we follow in the first term. This final project consists in two parts. The writen part. 1. in this part we must fallow some parameters of the design cycle. And the project that in this case was to create 2 podcasts. The unic difference, was that in this project we worked in 2!
SUJATA! What we learn with sujata?! Well Sujata was also a human being that teach us many leasons for life. We can consider her a technology teacher, but she was also a frien.