Supporting learning and teaching with ICT - Teaching Assistants Microsoft Office Applications
Module 1 : Using Basic ICT Skills in MS Office Applications To enable participants to improve their basic ICT skills in MS Office applications. To provide a platform of understanding for participants to investigate the use of ICT in the classroom by teachers. To further improve the confidence of participants in the use of ICT. To further improve confidence in the software used by the children, where related to the Microsoft Office suite.
Module 1 : Word Processing 1 Can use the basic functions of a word processor to produce a document.. input text formatting the text - font, size, style, colour alignment cutting and pasting save, print, open
Module 1 : Word Processing 2 Use more advanced functions to improve the appearance of a document inserting clip art and images/using text wrap using tabs and indentations inserting tables using bullets and numbered lists page numbers, date, header, footer
Health Warning Using a computer can be a frustrating experience ! Without regular practice it is easy to forget basic skills. Computers and software can differ between home/school and the learning centre. Starting each project from scratch can be a time waster so re-use material made earlier. Re-inventing the wheel is a common fault when creating resources. Many are available on the Internet. Failure to save regularly is an invitation to disaster.
Flash Drives ( aka Pen Drives ) Virtually everything is provided for this entire course. However the best current storage device is a flash drive. We recommend you obtain one of these devices.
Time to get started !