Got Technology? We do! Presented by: Conway School District Media Specialists S. Powell and C. Toney
On the first day of Internet café, the teacher said to me, “You don’t offer anything for me”.
On the second day of Internet café, the teacher said to me, “I don’t have time to do this”.
On the third day of Internet café, the teacher said to me, “I don’t know how to use my computer that way”.
On the fourth day of Internet café, the teacher said to me, “I can do WHAT on my computer!”
On the fifth day of Internet café, the teacher said to me, “A Smart Board can do what!”
On the sixth day of Internet café, the teacher said to me, “Hey, look what I can use in my classroom”.
On seventh day of Internet café, the teacher said to me, “I can store this all on my what? A flash drive!”
On the eighth day of Internet café, the teacher said to me, “Where do I find this website?”
On the ninth day of Internet café, the teacher said to me, “Did you know about this website?”
On the tenth day of Internet café, the teacher said to me, “With the smart board I created this and stored it on my flash drive”.
On the eleventh day of Internet café, the teacher said to me, “When will the next Internet café be?”
On the twelfth day of Internet café, the teacher said to a friend, “Be sure and sign up early for the Internet café. It is awesome!
Internet Café How we got started How we organized Who was involved Who attended What we offered Plans for next Internet Café
How we got started CPS Technology director requested teachers to volunteer to teach a workshop during Tech Fair. She then asked media specialist to work up an all- day workshop. We came up with Internet Café.
How we organized We met to discuss what to teach Brainstormed Narrowed down to 10 sessions 5 by one group and 5 by another group Flip-flop in afternoon
Who was involved All Conway Public School Media Specialists (14 schools) Technology Director
What we offered Sessions based on – AAIM conference of –Other professional development attended. –Based on needs of teachers in CPS Readily available resources-no additional money needed! Applicable to all content areas
The Café Breakfast provided Break with snacks-morning and afternoon Lunch on their own Door prizes at end of each session Goody bags at end of day Flash drives
Who attended Conway Public School certified employees Over 2 days, 100 teachers (50 on Day 1 & 50 on Day 2) received 6 hours of Professional Development in Technology!
Plans for Next Internet Café Meeting after AAIM to organize Offer fewer sessions-more time to work with material Still based on readily available free resources Flash drives again
Questions? Contact: Sloan Powell: Simon Intermediate: Cathy Toney: Sallie Cone Elementary: