Developing the AVID ISS/CSS Electronic Portfolio: A Step-by-Step Process AVID Training
The ISS/CSS Electronic Portfolio Welcome and Introductions
The ISS/CSS Electronic Portfolio Objectives Become familiar with Google docs Apply knowledge of Google docs to CSS Develop a strategy to utilize electronic portfolios for CSS documentation
The ISS/CSS Electronic Portfolio What you’ll need to start the process: Myavid account Google account Documents from “state” files in myavid filesharing Let’s go…
The ISS/CSS Electronic Portfolio Documents can be pulled from virtually anywhere in the world – fpt directories,, district or personal flash drives or hard drives, but to illustrate the process, myavid filesharing will be used.
The ISS/CSS Electronic Portfolio Review the next slide on the Development of AVID in a District. Brainstorm in selected groups how the AVID Site Team can leverage electronic portfolios to move AVID to Schoolwide and Districtwide. Report out when requested and record on chart paper. Review the list with the first list compiled.
The Development of AVID in a District Core AVID System Schoolwide AVID Schoolwide AVID Districtwide AVID Districtwide AVID Essential Questions Are we meeting the 11 AVID Essentials? How experienced and effective are our AVID elective teachers? Do we have an adequate number of trained tutors? How accessible are our most rigorous courses? How well does our site team use the AVID strategies such as WICR? Are our site team leaders? Are we involving AVID parents? Essential Questions Are the Essentials at routine use? Have we increased our AVID sections with diverse staff? Have we created a system for access to rigor? Have we increased our site team’s size and influence? Is WICR used across campus, and are HS AP/IB teachers involved? Do we see an increased college-going culture? Essential Questions Are all of our AVID sites certified? Do executive leaders work with AVID teams? Is there a district plan for college readiness, grades 4-12? Have we expanded district opportunities for AVID training? Is college readiness a stated district priority?
The ISS/CSS Electronic Portfolio Recommendations: Start with one Essential “test” folder and practice moving documents into it. Once that is comfortable – establish Essential folders and start moving your existing “binder” documents into the Electronic Portfolio. Consider future work on group editing of the documents used at your AVID Site.
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