Welcome back to C++
RValue referencesForward declared enumsBidirectional fences static_assertAlignmentData-dependency ordering AutoStandard-layout and trivial typesexception_ptr Trailing return typesExtended friend declarationsThread-local storage Lambdas Local and unnamed types as template arguments __func__ DecltypeRange-based for-loopC99 preprocessor Right angle bracketsoverride and finallong extern templatesMinimal GC support nullptrAtomics Strongly typed enumsStrong compare and exchange
DEMO: Quick tour of C++ features
See for more on native games
1 2 3 Performance Reusability Portability
Windows Phone features Libraries you write (or license) Projected to C++ and C# / VB
See for more on Windows 8 portability
SessionTitleSpeaker Native C/C++ Game Development Sam George Networking, Bluetooth, and NFC Proximity for Developers Tim Laverty How to leverage your code across WP8 and Windows 8 Andrew Byrne et al Photo and Lens Apps Eric Bennett The power of C++ - Project Austin (not phone specific, but a great talk) Ale Contenti