Student and Profile Process and Procedures
Sign – in to Students go to URL – Student enter the following: Username: firstname.lastname Password: Ed Elements Single Signon Click Ok after logging in is now activated, students should signout
Backup of Data Files Pass out flash drives to students who do not have one. Whether they are signed-in as Student or Atamsstudent, they will backup files in that profile. Have students create a folder with their name on the flash drive and copy files into that new folder Students are to save documents onto flash drive from documents folders on desktop only!!! They are not to take time saving all their Itunes files, or gaming software. The flash drives do not have the capacity.
Logging into personal profile After backing up data, have students log out of Atamsstudent or Student Profiles Once they are at the initial log in screen, they will log back in using the same log in used to activate accounts Username - firstname.lastname Password – Ed Elements Single-sign-on
Transfer Backup Data After students have logged in with their personal log in, they will upload their files into their documents folders on their laptops Students need to Select Go from top Apple Menu, then select Home See next slide for picture Students will move personal folder from Flash Drive into Documents folder (See picture)
Laptop Identity Have students click on Apple, upper left corner of laptop screen Choose About this Mac, select More Info Have student a screen shot of information screen Enter specific laptop Identity into Computer inventory column LAUSD S/N and to
Student Vault