2014/15 ANNUAL REPORT Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Science and Technology Presenter: Dr Mlungisi Cele Acting CEO Date: 14 October 2015
Presentation Outline 1.Mandate, vision and mission and functions 2.Policy context 3.Impact factors and highlights 4.Performance against pre-determined objectives 5.Finances and organogram 6.Conclusion 2
Mandate The Statutory Mandate: Section 3 of the NACI Act (Act 55 of 1997) “…advise the Minister for Science and Technology, and through the Minister, the Minister’s Committee and Cabinet, on the role and contribution of science, mathematics, innovation and technology, including indigenous technologies, in promoting and achieving national objectives” 3
NACI may or shall on request of the Minister, advise on- the coordination and stimulation of the national system of innovation (NSI); strategies for the promotion of technology innovation, development, acquisition, transfer and implementation in all the sectors; the co-ordination of science and technology policy and strategies with policies and strategies in other environments; the identification of research and development (R&D) priorities, and their incorporation in the process of government funding of R&D. Legislative Functions (1) 4
the promotion of mathematics, the natural sciences and technology in the education sector; and on the establishment and maintenance of information systems that support monitoring and evaluation of the NSI management and functioning; international liaison and co–operation in the fields of science, technology and innovation (STI); developments in the fields of STI which might require new legislation. Legislative Functions (2) 5
strategies for promotion of the dissemination and accessibility of scientific knowledge & technology, as well as for promotion of public understanding of S&T and their supportive role in innovation for development and progress; establishment, phasing out, rationalisation & management of science councils, national facilities utilised for research, national R&D programmes conducted by science councils and S&T institutions within the NSI; funding of S&T system in respect of its contribution to innovation; any other matters on STI & mathematics referred to NACI by the Minister. Legislative Functions (3) 6
Vision: A well co–ordinated national system of innovation in which science, technology and innovation are recognised as primary drivers of economic and social development, which enables South Africa to participate in the global knowledge economy Mission: To serve as the premier advisory body to the Minister of Science and Technology and Cabinet on all innovation policy matters, in particular: the contribution of innovation to economic competitiveness the contribution of innovation to economic development and social upliftment; and The co–ordination and coherence in the national system of innovation. Vision and Mission 7
National Development Plan (NDP) recognises the role and contribution of the National System of Innovation (NSI) and science, technology and innovation (STI) to; – long-term sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development; –reducing poverty, unemployment and inequality. The STI policy package (consisting of the 1996 White Paper, 2002 National Research and Development Strategy and Ten- Year Innovation Plan); Several sectoral strategies; System and institutional reviews. Policy context 8
a)The delayed replacement and transition process from the previous Council to the current Council; b)The delayed appointment of the Chief Executive Officer; c)Poor planning and monitoring and evaluation; d)Operational inefficiencies. Impact Factors on NACI’s performance 9
Selected Highlights (1) 2014 South African Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Indicators booklet was finalised by end March 2015: The STI Indicators booklet: gives NACI a platform to discuss and advice on the state of innovation in South Africa; has been used as background information to develop policy advice for analysis of 2012/13 R&D survey results. A draft framework for central repository of STI data was finalised and approved by Council for stakeholder consultation. 10
Selected Highlights (2) Competitive Niches for New Innovations in the Bioeconomy Sector: –A study was completed on biomass sustainability for future energy and bio-refineries in South Africa; A foresight framework for STI policy was finalised and approved by the Council end of March
Selected Performance against predetermined objectives 12 INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGETPERFORMANCE Number of reports on structure, governance and coordination of the NSI 1 x Council approved Report on structure, governance and coordination of the NSI Not achieved Number of published booklets 1 x Council approved Booklet on the assessment of the state of the NSI Achieved 1 x Council approved study on National System of Innovation Indicators framework Achieved
Selected Performance against predetermined objectives 13 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGETPERFORMANCE Number of reports on policy landscape and sustainability assessment of bio-economy opportunities 1 x Council approved Report on policy landscape and sustainability assessment of bioeconomy opportunities Not achieved Number of reports on physical infrastructure requirements in SET and medical technologies for competitive economy 1 x Council approved report, proceedings and advice letter on physical infrastructure requirements in SET and medical technologies for competitive economy Not achieved
Selected Performance against predetermined objectives 14 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE ANNUAL TARGET PERFORMANCE Number of Council approved advice letters or presentations to Minister 1 x Council approved Advice letter/ presentation on benchmarking the policy environment for gender mainstreaming in the science, technology and innovation system Achieved Number of reports on promotion of innovation for inclusive 1 x Council approved Survey Report on the actual support needed for growth of innovation-based SMMEs Not achieved
Expenditure 2014/15 15 BUDGET AND EXPENDITURE BREAKDOWN AS AT 31 MARCH 2015 DESCRIPTION Expenditure (R’000) Commitments (R’000) Budget (R’000) Available Budget (R’000) Compensation of Employees Goods & Services TOTAL
Way forward (1) Ensure the implementation of both the legislative mandate and 2014 Ministerial Guidelines (Inaugural Council meeting); Strive to produce quality, relevant and timely advice; Performance against predetermined objectives requires significant improvement; Strengthen planning, monitoring and evaluation: Review of the current Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan and vision, mission and goals. Partnership with the Department’s Policy Planning Governance and Monitoring and Evaluation Chief Directorate. Already held workshop on governance, planning and reporting requirements. 16
Way forward (2) To enhance the organisational capacity to deliver; To enhance communication and profiling of NACI; Already working with Communication Services Chief Directorate in drafting the plan. To improve internal operational efficiencies and corporate governance. Knowledge and records management, IT infrastructure, finance management and supply chain processes and meeting of deadlines. 17
Composition of the Council 18 Name Organisation 1. Prof Cheryl de la Rey (Chairperson) University of Pretoria 2. Prof Anton Eberhard Unversity of Cape Town 3. Adv Louisa Zondo Human Rights Activist 4. Dr Azar Jammine Econometrix PTY LTD 5. Dr Shadrack Moephuli Agricultural Research Council 6. Dr Andile Ngcaba Convergence Partners 7. Dr Sibusiso Sibisi Council for Scientific and Industrial Research 8. Mr Dhesigen Naidoo Water Research Commission 9. Mr Kevin Nassiep South African National Energy Development Institute 10. Mr Garth Strachan Department of Trade and Industry 11. Mr Sim Tshabalala Standard Bank Group 12. Ms Clare Busetti SiMODisa 13. Ms Zanele Monnakgotla FreeWi 14. Ms Nonkululeko Nyembezi-Heita IchorCoal N.V 15. Prof Roseanne Diab Academy of Science South Africa 16. Prof Glenda Gray Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital 17. Prof Jennifer Ann Thomson University of Cape Town 18. National Research Foundation 19. Human Sciences Research Council