Project Overview Ron Strykowsky Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory NSTX Upgrade Project Office of Science Review LSB B318 October 2-3rd, 2013 NSTX-U Supported by Culham Sci Ctr York U Chubu U Fukui U Hiroshima U Hyogo U Kyoto U Kyushu U Kyushu Tokai U NIFS Niigata U U Tokyo JAEA Inst for Nucl Res, Kiev Ioffe Inst TRINITI Chonbuk Natl U NFRI KAIST POSTECH Seoul Natl U ASIPP CIEMAT FOM Inst DIFFER ENEA, Frascati CEA, Cadarache IPP, Jülich IPP, Garching ASCR, Czech Rep Coll of Wm & Mary Columbia U CompX General Atomics FIU INL Johns Hopkins U LANL LLNL Lodestar MIT Lehigh U Nova Photonics Old Dominion ORNL PPPL Princeton U Purdue U SNL Think Tank, Inc. UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UCSD U Colorado U Illinois U Maryland U Rochester U Tennessee U Tulsa U Washington U Wisconsin X Science LLC
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Agenda
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Contents Progress; –Great Technical progress to date Performance metrics, Cost, Schedule, Budget, Staffing, Risks; –On cost and schedule Charge Questions; –Responsive and complete.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd NSTXU Test Cell – December 2012 Umbrella legs being cut out and replaced Second beamline in place Vacuum Vessel cutting for Bay J/K neutral beam cap underway 4 Outer TF coils removed
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Excellent safety record. On schedule and cost. On track for January rough pump down. NB Cryogenic services complete 3 HVE’s installed Cable tray and diagnostic rack re-installation underway All Outer TF coils installed along with inter linkages NB DI water piping installation nearing completion Neutral beam vessel port installed on the vacuum vessel (Level II milestone) Platform installation completed Source platform installed NB Power cabling underway NSTXU Test Cell September Significant progress Umbrella structural modifications (incl legs) completed
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Center Stack Fabrication is the critical path! Assembly Proceeding Well Inner TF bundle Conductor manufactured and delivered COMPLETE All cooling tubes soldered in the conductors COMPLETE All 36 TF conductors primed and wrapped with insulation COMPLETE Four quadrant successfully VPI’d and Tested COMPLETE (major risk retired) (Level 2 milestone) 4 quadrants assembled together and insulated COMPLETE Full TF bundle successfully VPI’d (major risk retired) COMPLETE Centerstack casing fabricated, delivered and populated with PFC studs COMPLETE OH winding assembly fabricated and installed COMPLETE OH braze qualification successful COMPLETE Center stack assembly tilt fixture fabricated, load tested and installed into position COMPLETE Aqua pour process underway OH winding to begin in November Final assembly and delivery to the NSTX Test Cell in May 2014
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Cost –CPI = 0.98 Schedule –SPI = 0.97 –Total float = 10 1/2 months to late finish CD-4 Completion –Forecast= November, 2014 –CD-4 DOE Milestone (Late Finish)= September 2015 BAC =$85.0 EAC= $87.6 TPC =94.3M Cost to date = $63.4 M 72% complete (through August) Free balance contingency 30%-28% –$7.2M remaining consistent with remaining risk and uncertainty (27% at CD-2) –Contingency extrapolation consistent with initial CD-2 analysis –Schedule is now major driver to cost containment Performance metrics good
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd CD-4 SEPT Forecast November 2014 CD-3 Dec 2011 Schedule on track for early finish ~3/4 the way through the Centerstack fabrication ! Key to meeting CD-4 and cost containment Complete and deliver the centerstack to the test cell for installation by May 2014! ~3/4 the way through the Centerstack fabrication ! Key to meeting CD-4 and cost containment Complete and deliver the centerstack to the test cell for installation by May 2014! Critical path continues to be the centerstack fabrication and installation Keys to meeting schedule Vendor vetting and oversight Timely receipt inspection Overtime Multiple shifts Scheduling workshops Improve efficiency through anticipation Collaborations with NML (report available) 10 1/2 months float remain Critical path continues to be the centerstack fabrication and installation Keys to meeting schedule Vendor vetting and oversight Timely receipt inspection Overtime Multiple shifts Scheduling workshops Improve efficiency through anticipation Collaborations with NML (report available) 10 1/2 months float remain Deliver CS to Test Cell May 2014
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd NSTX Upgrade – Milestones on track Completed since last review
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Procurement Status - Major procurements completed Procurements represent only 9% of remaining scope
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Tech Labor is supporting schedule Technician labor (EM & EE) needs being met by utilizing; Overtime Temporary staff Re-assigning people based on mission need Critical skills (i.e. welders, machinists, crane operators) planned weekly and prioritized daily via the work control center (WCC) Currently at the peak of expected staffing Technician labor (EM & EE) needs being met by utilizing; Overtime Temporary staff Re-assigning people based on mission need Critical skills (i.e. welders, machinists, crane operators) planned weekly and prioritized daily via the work control center (WCC) Currently at the peak of expected staffing
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Budget Status DOE Funding consistent with and supportive of early finish * Our obligational control level during the CR is at the AT level so PPPL has flexibility to “protect” the MIE project from CR perturbations. *
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Risk & Opportunities 13 Retirement Date OH Fab $1,400k April 2014 (cost of rebuilding twice) Inner TF bundle fab$325k Oct 2013 Serious injury stand-down$188k CD-4 Late vendor delivery on critical path $250k April 2014 I&C add’l capacity $300k June 2014 Diagnostic re-installation $294k April 2014 Hardware fit up issues $477k Sept 2014 Mgmt direct allocations $216k April 2014 Critical skill lost $188k Sept 2014 Other$155k June 2014 Total open$3,793 k Opportunities PPPL Overhead rates (baselined at conservative levels ) Risk Events ~$400K net risk retired since last review TF & OH assembly, incl VPI operations, still remain the critical risk events ~$400K net risk retired since last review TF & OH assembly, incl VPI operations, still remain the critical risk events
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Charge question #1 1.Construction Efforts: a)Are construction efforts being executed safely? b)Does the project have adequate resources and the appropriate skills mix to execute the project per the plan? NSTX Upgrade project continues to have an excellent safety record. One recordable non-lost time incident during the period. Trained, experienced and engaged workers and supervisors continue to use well-developed work planning & control processes, combined with support and oversight of ES&H professionals to ensure that NSTX-U construction is being executed safely. This was evidenced by the many successful major lifts and VPI operations. Overall the current staff levels on-board are adequate to execute the project schedule. Critical skills (i.e. welders, crane operators, machinists) work priorities managed via the Work Control Center (daily morning meetings.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Charge question #2 2. Baseline Cost and Schedule: a)Are the current project cost and schedule projections consistent with the approved baseline cost and schedule? b)Is the contingency remaining adequate for the risks that remain? The project is 10 1/2 months ahead of our CD-4 milestone. Reasonable contingency remains to complete the project. This conclusion is based on forensic schedule analyses, updated EAC’s and contingency extrapolation. Budget plans consistent with DOE BA guidance and CR expectations. Weekly detail schedule progress and monthly EVMS updates conducted. Monthly re-evaluation of EAC’s and recent bottoms-up EAC performed. $400K net reduction in risks identified. Project schedule contingency is 10 1/2 months, cost contingency range is 30%-28% (ref 26.6% baselined at CD-2 ) The project is 72% complete compared to 54% at the last review. (this completion rate consistent with November 2014 forecast.) Scope contingency analysis updated. The project has integrated all relevant program tasks into it’s integrated project schedule. (ref Rollover Schedule)
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Charge question #3 3. Management: a)Evaluate the management structure as to its adequacy to deliver the scope within budget and schedule. b)Are risks being actively managed? c)Has the project responded satisfactorily to the recommendations from the previous project reviews? The key management personnel required to deliver the baseline are still in place within the project organization. This includes DOE Federal Project Director and senior laboratory leadership. The Project, with institutional support, successfully managed the FY2013 aggressive procurement plans that ensured the timely receipt of parts and hardware, prioritization of field tasks, and the re-assignment of people to support schedule. The project has reacted effectively to resolve technical issues that have arisen. Communication amongst the project team, senior PPPL management and DOE has provided transparency into all aspects of the project. Independent reviews performed every 6 months by the Princeton University advisory panel. Collaborations with MAST and National Magnet Laboratory. Project risk identified. Mitigation plans being implemented (e.g. coordination meetings, procedures, training, mockups, R&D, trials). The EVMS and supplemental management tools are being effectively utilized to manage the project. Previous review recommendations reconciled - see next slide
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Charge question #3 continued 3-c. Previous review recommendations: 1.Develop a comprehensive facility readiness plan and schedule including both project and non-project items. Present plan at the next review. Presentation by Al vonHalle. 2.Assign adequate personnel to ensure completion of the Digital Coil Protection System on the original baseline schedule. Personnel assigned (hardware, software, and supporting staff). Good progress being made. Noteworthy designs documented and presented at SOFE Attend presentations by Ron Hatcher and Keith Erickson in the afternoon breakout) 3.Reassess the potential impacts of the loss of critical skills and personnel and update the risk registry by February 1, Major funding driven crisis averted. However, the risk registry has been updated to reflect nominal impact of key personnel leaving. 4.Prepare a plan for startup readiness that is acceptable to the Site Office prior to the next review. See #1 above
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Charge question #4 4. Transition to Operations: Is the Project appropriately aligned for completion of construction efforts and transitioning NSTX-U for CD-4 approval? Al vonHalle to provide overview. Project integrated schedule being used to track project and non-project scope leading to CD-4. Weekly project reviews conducted as part of the “Rollover Schedule” meeting. NSTX-U maintains an Activity Certification Committee (ACC) to review newly installed subsystems before commissioning. System reviews are performed at completion of construction activities. Operational Readiness Assessment (ORA) will be conducted. DOE-PSO taking lead. Approvals and training required for NSTX test cell access (per OP-NSTX-12). Work Permits ensure that Test Cell configuration control and proper work practices are maintained. Proper system operation is ensured by an approved set of operations procedures: Administrative procedure (OP-NSTX-02) is used to list the sub-system and integrated system procedures used to start-up and operate NSTX-U The electromagnetic ISTP (ISTP-001) defines protection system settings and necessary test shots for any changes to the NSTX electromagnetic configuration and/or operating envelope. Operator Training Matrixes (OP-NSTX-12)
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Summary The project has maintained a safe working environment. The project continues to make good technical progress. The project is on schedule and cost with adequate contingency to finish. The project is sufficiently staffed to meet schedule. The project is on track for meeting CD-2 baseline within OFES budgetary guidance. The project is preparing for transitioning into operations.
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Contingency Analysis
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Forensic Schedule Analysis
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Project Org Chart
NSTX-U NSTX Upgrade Project – Office of Science Review – October 2-3 rd Project Org Chart