The Florida Department of Education has designated the course of study for 6 th Grade Social Studies to be Ancient World History. There are EIGHT civilizations that we will be exploring this year: – Mesopotamia(1 st Quarter) – Egypt(2 nd Quarter) – Israel and Phoenicia(2 nd Quarter) – The Americas(2 nd Quarter) – Greece(3 rd Quarter) – Rome(3 rd Quarter) – India(4 th Quarter) – China(4 th Quarter) While exploring these civilizations, students will be expected to develop the following: – an awareness/appreciation for people of the past AND their accomplishments – an awareness of cause and effect – critical reading skills – critical writing skills
FRANKLIN ACADEMY’S THREE UNIVERSAL GUIDELINES Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be Ready To Learn. MS. WROBLE’S CLASS RULES Students will respond to the school-wide attention signal (“Bolts Up!”) IMMEDIATELY. Students will come to class prepared with all required materials AND a positive attitude. Students will complete all assigned work with diligence and integrity. Students will talk AND move from their assigned area only at appropriate times. Students will treat EVERYONE (teachers, classmates, and self) with KINDNESS at all times.
When a student breaks one of Ms. Wroble’s Classroom Rules and/or does not adhere to Franklin Academy’s Three Universal Guidelines, the following will result: 1 st Offense/Infraction: Planned Discussion Student and Ms. Wroble will schedule a time the next day to meet for a discussion/goal setting session. At the goal setting session, Ms. Wroble and student will talk about the offense/infraction and ways to avoid it in the future. Ms. Wroble and student will set some behavior goals. If student satisfies goals within the agreed upon timeframe, then no further disciplinary action will be taken. 2 nd Offense/Infraction: Classroom Management Tracking Form In the event that a student does not satisfy the goals set at a planned discussion and repeats the offense/infraction, then Ms. Wroble will issue a Classroom Management Tracking Form. Each time a Classroom Management Tracking Form is issued, Ms. Wroble is required to contact home via OR phone. 3 rd Offense/Infraction: Visit to Dr. Dallas’ Office Once a student has had three Classroom Management Tracking Forms issued, he/she will be sent to Dr. Dallas’s Office. Dr. Dallas and student will have a planned discussion, of sorts, and Dr. Dallas will determine an appropriate consequence. It is usually at this time that a Wednesday detention is scheduled.
Discovering Our Past: A History Of The World, Early Ages Textbook An on-line version of the textbook, for at-home use, is available, but we are still waiting to receive the student redemption code. My Reflections On World History Workbook Each student has a soft-cover, consumable workbook. They can keep it in the classroom, on the bookshelf space that has been set aside for their class, OR they can take it with them. The workbook is GREAT for reinforcement, extra practice, AND study assistance. Weebly ( This is the class website. It is updated on Saturday or Sunday of each weekend. The “This Week” tab includes important links to resources that will be used in class throughout the upcoming week. The “Blog” tab is an archive of all resources that have been used in class so far. Quizlet ( This is a GREAT resource for content vocabulary. You will need to create an account of your own, if you don't have one already. Then, you will need to add my class. You can access my class page at
– – I check my several times a day and try to be as prompt as possible in replying. – Turn-around time should be no more than 24 hours. – IF I have not responded within the promised 24-hour turn-around time, please feel free to send ANOTHER . Phone – (561) – Leave a message with the school secretary. I will call you back on my planning period OR after-school on the same day. PowerSchool – A minimum of two grades is posted per week. – Grades are typically posted/updated over the weekend. – If you have had difficulty logging into PowerSchool or do not have access information for your child, PLEASE contact Mr. Coddington at