ColoradoTalking Book Library: Programming, Technology, and Marketing Service Plan LIS Instructor: Elizabeth Wrenn-Estes University of Denver November 5 th, 2007 Amy Holzworth, Briana Hovendick, Melissa Izzo, Sarah Messina, Emily Peros-McBreen
Agenda Mission and History Introduction User Group Defined Standards Goals, Objectives, and Actions Evaluation Budget Resources
Mission and History COLORADO TALKING BOOK LIBRARY: READING FOR ALL HISTORY Part of the Colorado Department of Education Affiliated with the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress One of 19 original libraries established by an act of Congress in 1931 Expanded in 1952 to include children Expanded again in 1966 to include individuals with other physical impairments that prevent reading of standard print, such as spinal cord, learning disabilities and stroke Only circulating Braille collection in the state of Colorado National Library Service for the Blind & Physically Handicapped (2007)
How our services work Patrons submit an application signed by a certifying authority (doctor, optometrist, human services agent, or librarian) CTBL provides free equipment specially made for our materials Library materials sent through mail (postage is free through an appropriation to the U.S. Postal Service Patrons work with one of three Readers Advisors to select the books and magazines they want from book reviews and catalogs we send them Average patron borrows 30 recorded books and magazines each year – Braille readers average 20 books and magazines a year Debbie MacLeod, CTBL (9/27/07)
Our Collection and Our patrons Collection Braille collection: 3,890 titles, 8,648 items Large Print: 13,000 titles, 15,600 items Talking Book Collection: 53,000 titles, 415,000 items Descriptive Video Collection: 284 titles, 560 items Patrons Approximately 11,000 people in every county in Colorado 50% are over 60, 34% have a college degree, 28% have some college 500 institutional accounts Schools, nursing homes, hospitals, public libraries How do we work with public libraries? Lending our large print collection (Estes Park and Trinidad) Suggestions for serving the visually impaired (with CCTV, support groups, etc.) Debbi MacLeod, CTBL (9/27/07)
The Digital Transition PROS Will replace analog cassettes with digital flash technology Single cartridge can store an entire book Easier to use, mail and store CONS Congress has appropriated only 60% of the funding for this transition Transition process will take several years to complete Transition process will be labor-intensive and call for many additional volunteers Debbi MacLeod, CTBL (9/27/07)
Funding and Support Congressional Network of 57 regional and 74 sub-regional NLS libraries in the U.S. will receive approximately $53.9 million in 2007 CTBL receives approximately $500,000 in federal funds annually Additional funding comes from the state, local groups and individual donors Volunteers Provide the equivalent of 8 full-time positions 150 volunteers donate their time to CTBL each week Conduct mailroom operations, machine repair, record local titles, etc. National Library Service for the Blind & Physically Handicapped (2007) Debbi MacLeod, CTBL (9/’27/07)
User Group Visually impaired people are: Singers, dancers, parents, children, dreamers blind, legally blind, or have low vision that cannot be corrected with eye glasses, surgery, or other medical interventions intelligent and talented and want to fully contribute to their communities READERS
Visually Impaired by the numbers American Foundation for the Blind – “culling relevant figures is a monumental task because there is no national registry in the United States and it is difficult to construct an accurate statistical portrait of the blind and visually impaired population.” Almost 2.9 million public-school-aged children are receiving some special education support, although not all types affect reading National numbers – 18 and older
Colorado Numbers Colorado has 2.35% of the nations total number of visually impaired or blind people ( 1,069 are children 418,315 are adults Visually impaired children in Colorado receive services determined through the Exceptional Children’s Educational Act ( “every Coloradoan with a developmental disability will receive needed resources that represent a blend of private and public dollars and receive effective and efficient services and support” (
Information Needs and Behaviors 46% visually impaired people are employed 32% of blind are employed 45% have a high school diploma 1.5 of the 10 million visually impaired or blind people use computers Web Accessibility issues: How People with Disabilities Use the Web ( People with Disabilities Use the Web Tools used for reading: ( Large print materials Descriptive videos (videos that describe the action) Electronic, Audio and Braille materials Monoculars, binoculars, eyeglass loupes Closed circuit television Headphones Digital recording devices Variety of software Illuminated magnifiers Personal digital assistants (PDA) Screenreaders Tape recorders Text to speech systems
Standards One: The information literate student determines the nature and extent of the information needed. Performance Indicator Two: The information literate student identifies a variety of types and formats of potential sources for information. Two: The information literate student selects the most appropriate investigative methods or information retrieval systems for accessing the needed information. Performance Indicator Three: The information literate student retrieves information online or in person using a variety of methods.
Goals and Objectives Goal 1: Programming Objective 1: Interlibrary Loan Objective 2: Library Meetings Objective 3: Workshops Goal 2: Technology Objective 1: ADA Software Objective 2: Viewing Devices Objective 3: Listening Devices Goal 3: Marketing Objective 1: Radio Objective 2: Print Objective 3: CTBL Liaison
Goal 1: Programming ILL Expansion of Services Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States “In the interest of providing quality service, libraries have an obligation to obtain material to meet the informational needs of users when local resources do not meet those needs. Interlibrary loan (ILL), a mechanism for obtaining material is essential to the vitality of all libraries.” CTBL will make locally recorded tapes and other materials available to other network participants Provide subscription services to the Visunet resources through CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind)
Goal 1: Programming Library Meetings Organize and moderate meetings tailored to visually impaired patrons AINC Audio Information Network of Colorado Book Club Bags
Goal 1: Programming Workshops Staff Produce a training workshop for staff at libraries Patrons Create outreach meetings at recreation centers, senior centers, nursing communities, and support groups
Goal 2: Technology ADA Software Provides screen-reading software for two locations in each of the seven metro area counties (
Goal 2: Technology Viewing Devices Obtain and distribute visual magnification devices to Colorado libraries (
Goal 2: Technology Listening Devices Obtain digital listening devices for patrons (
Goal 3: Marketing Radio Underwriting on Colorado Public Radio Reach the large senior listener base and attract people interested in community matters KCVR, public radio station, Colorado Matters KVOD, classical station Public Service Announcements Explain services both in English and Spanish through free air time across Colorado
Goal 3: Marketing Print Elevate Magazine Supply almost half a million people with information about the CTBL services Elevate magazine is sent quarterly to Kaiser Permanente’s 475,000 members Denver Post, YourHub Section Establish CTBL’s services as accessible to a wide range of people Ads will be placed in all 18 versions of YourHub for 12 weeks each year. Circulation is 384,000
Goal 3: Marketing CTBL Liaison Talking Book Library Liaison R each the visually impaired population at approximately 12 libraries throughout Colorado through a CTBL liaison Develop the presentation Send liaison to various libraries throughout state to educate about CTBL’s services and eligibility requirements Liaison will distribute printed materials for staff and patrons of all locations visited
Evaluation Survey Circulation Statistics Attendance
Budget GOALACTIONCOMPONENTSCOST # EXTENDED Programm- Staff PersonHire staff to fulfill program management and liaison roles$40,0001.5$60, ing Promotional MaterialsDesign & print promotional materials for new programs$2503$ Technology ADA SoftwareZoomText Version 9.1$89514$12, Viewing DevicesVisual magnification devices$11570$8, Listening DevicesNLS/BPH Digital talking book players & cartridges$400500$200, Marketing Colorado Public Radio Underwriting 10-second announcement to air twice a week for 26 weeks$9552$4, % discount for frequency($197.60)1 Public Service AnnouncementsEnglish-language announcement$2001$ Spanish-language announcement$2001$ Elevate Magazine50-word announcementFREE1 Your HubDevelopment of quarter-page ads$2501$ Quarter-Page ad placement in 18 YourHubs$ (wks) $1, % discount for quantity($280.80)1 CTBL LiaisonEstimated liaison travel expenses$ TOTAL $83,226.40
Resource Links American Academy of Ophthamology – Visual Impairment, Visual Disability and Legal Blindness - entItem/ZZZTPA3ZVIE.html&soc=AAO&srch_typ=NAV_SERCH - entItem/ZZZTPA3ZVIE.html&soc=AAO&srch_typ=NAV_SERCH - American Council of the Blind of Colorado American Diabetes Association American Foundation for the Blind American Foundation for the Blind Glossary of Eye ConditionsGlossary of Eye Conditions American Library Association - Association Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies ALA | ASCLAALA | ASCLA Colorado Center for the Blind Colorado Diabetes Prevention and Control Colorado Exceptional Child’s Educational Act
Resource Links continued Colorado Department of Human Services, Division for Developmental Disabilities Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind Colorado Talking Book Library application forms for adults and children Colorado Talking Book Library Colorado Talking Book Library Organizational Chart Library Research Services Fast Facts - survey about the CTBL from June, Lighthouse International Information Needs of Special populations in Colorado
Resource Links continued Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States Library of Congress National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) National Center to Improve Practice in Special Education – List of organizations supporting the visually impaired National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse National Eye Institute Glossary of terms from National Eye Institute.pdfGlossary of terms from National Eye Institute.pdf Organizations supporting the visually impaired (online list) Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic World Wide Web Consortium – web accessibility- Introduction to Web AccessibilityIntroduction to Web Accessibility