LESSON 2 “WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN” 4P8_NZVC Ancient Egyptian Society
Objectives Describe the position and role of the pharaohs in ancient egypt. Describe the class divisions of Egyptian society Identify the following people: Menes, Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Memphis, Kush, Napata, and Meroe
Warming Up If the U.S. president were considered a god, how would this affect our lives? What are some classifications of people today?
Think About It….Hmmm If you had the chance to be kind of a country, what kind of ruler would you be?
Vocabulary Write the definition of each word USING THE INFORMATION FOUND IN THE TEXT. Write a paragraph in the first tense using each word in the paragraph. Example: I am the pharaoh of the great civilization called Iowation. I like to be in charge and make the rules. My son Ty will be the next ruler in this dynasty. He will probably want to export some of our extra tomatoes in exchange for video games.
Vocabulary Quiz A ruling family where power is handed down to children The way resources are used to produce and distribute goods and services To send something to another country Originally meant “house.” Ruler of Egypt People from the Kingdom of Kush who were influenced by Egyptians in art, language, and religion
Section A Pharaohs were in charge of organizing workers to do the needed tasks of the country. What were some of these tasks? What are some of the tasks the president has to organize?
Section A Original meaning of pharaoh was “Great House” Later, the word pharaoh stood for the ruler in charge Pharaohs had ABSOLUTE POWER WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU HAD ABSOLUTE POWER AT HOME? Pharaohs were considered to be gods – the people called them god-kings. After they died, they were the gods of the dead
Section A Egyptians always obeyed the pharaoh because they depended on his wisdom for their well-being. CAN YOU THINK OF ANYONE THAT YOU DEPEND ON FOR YOUR WELL-BEING? WHAT DOES THIS PERSON PROVIDE FOR YOU?
Section B – Upper and Lower Egypt Governing Egypt The Nile River was similar to a highway due to trade and communication that occurred along its path. Even though there was a river to make transportation easier, what STILL made it difficult? WHY WOULD GOVERNING BE TOUGH TO DO IF YOU COULDN’T COMMUNICATE QUICKLY? Uniting upper and lower Egypt made the country stronger
Section B – Upper and Lower Egypt Menes United upper and lower Egypt Capital city – Memphis (south of Cairo) Established the first dynasty – all future pharaohs would pass the power to their children History Divided into 3 periods Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, New Kingdom
Section C – Class System Ruling Class People were not equal in wealth or rights Pharaoh was at the top WHAT WOULD A LIFE OF LUXURY BE LIKE? Ruling Class was next WHAT WAS THEIR LIFE LIKE? Priests were next WHAT WAS THEIR LIFE LIKE?
Section C – Class System Middle Class BASED ON THE PICTURE ON P. 79, WHO MADE UP THE MIDDLE CLASS? Provided goods and services to the ruling class Known for carving wood and stone Soldiers were a special group – protection WHAT DETERMINED HOW WELL A SOLDIER LIVED?
Section C – Class System Peasants and Slaves The majority of the people made up this class DESCRIBE THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FARMERS AND THE PHARAOH. Most slaves were prisoners of war. WHO DID THE SLAVES WORK FOR? WHAT WOULD YOU GUESS THE DID?
PHARAOH Ruling Class Middle Class PEASANTS & SLAVES
Egyptian Women Is there anything you would consider “unfair” between boys and girls? Women could own property, work in business, and mix freely with men in public. There was even a female ruler named Hatshpesut
Rulers Hatshepsut Ruled for her step son Took the title of king instead of queen Even dressed like a king She believed strongly in establishing trade Thutmose III Describe what he did when he became old enough to rule.
Kush Found south of Egypt along Nile River The northern part of Kush did not benefit from the Nile River or rain Southern Kush had more rain Nile river was a highway for trade What did Kush export
Kush Had once been ruled by Egypt Egyptians wanted stone, gold and natural products Kush was influenced by Egyptians How were they influenced Describe the economy of Kush