Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ 11 1 飛越小林‧益川 ─ 尋找四代夸克 Beyond Kobayashi-Maskawa ─ Search for 4th Generation Quarks April 5, 2011,


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Presentation transcript:

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ 11 1 飛越小林‧益川 ─ 尋找四代夸克 Beyond Kobayashi-Maskawa ─ Search for 4th Generation Quarks April 5, 2011, 兩岸 PP/Cosm NTHU the Experimentheorist ⊳

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ 11 2 「」 I. Intro: 「 Summit 」 Project on 4G !? II. Back to 2004:   A K   , P EW, t ′ Surprise / FPCP4 / B s → J /    / 「 Nature 」 / CPV4BAU III. Strategizing NTUCMS IV. The 2008 Nobel: from KM to Nambu Large Yukawa, 〈 QQ 〉, UB ↝ Lattice V. Money Matters & Summiteering VI. “ Summit ” 3 + I Status VII. Conclusion Outline _

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ I + 「 Summit」 Project on G ! !! !? 5-yr Approval 四代夸克的追尋 I. Intro

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ 11 4 II. Back to 2004:   A K  , P EW, t ′ Surprise / FPCP4 / B s → J /    / 「 Nature 」 / CPV4BAU

ICHEP 2004, Beijing A CP (B  K    ) A CP ( K    ) = 0.04  0.05  M BB New K    : 728  53 Large EW penguin (Z 0 ) ? New Physics ? [also seen by BaBar] _d_d d  KK u u BB sb Sakai the Thread that Lead... hint that A CP ( K    )  A CP ( K    ) ? (2.4  )

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ 11 6 My first B (and 4G :) paper nondecoupling dimensions WSH, Willey, Soni <

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ 11 7 Decoupling Thm: Heavy Masses are decoupled in QED/QCD ∵ ∵ Appear in Propagator Nondecoupling Q Nondecoupling: Yukawa Couplings Q Appear in Numerator Subtlety of Spont. Broken Chiral Gauge Theory dynamical Nondecoupling

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ 11 8 _d_d d  KK u u BB sb t ’t ’ Surprise: B → K  DCPV Difference  A K      observed 2004; A K     not significant, but deviate by  b → s Z-penguin: Nondecoupled t ’ w/ - PQCD at LO WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRL, PQCD at NLO WSH, Li, Mishima, Nagashima, PRL, 2007 ⇨ Can in principle generate   A k  Not anticipated ! Difference Is Large !   A k   Can determine full 4  4 by facing all flavor constraints WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD, 2005

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ 11 9 b’, t (Tevatron/)LHC GIM, charm,  K small   ’/  , K   (still waiting) heavy top, sin2    Z dominance for heavy top 1986  2002 All w/ 3-generations, Just wait if there’s a 4th BsBsBsBs A FB Nondecoupling ∵ ∵ Large Yukawa ! On Boxes and Z Penguins D ! D ! Z  bb Agenda for All Aspects of Flavor/CPV

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ Can determine full 4  4 by facing all flavor constraints 05 WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD’05 WSH, Ma, PRD’10 ⇨ ⇨ CKM4 Illustration

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ Surprise: B → K  DCPV Difference _d_d d  KK u u BB sb t ’t ’  A K      observed 2004; A K     not significant, but deviate by  b → s Z-penguin: Nondecoupled t ’ w/ - PQCD at LO WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRL, PQCD at NLO WSH, Li, Mishima, Nagashima, PRL, 2007 ⇨ Can in principle generate   A k  Not anticipated ! Difference Is Large !   A k   Can determine full 4  4 by facing all flavor constraints WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD, 2005 t ’ t ’ t ’ t ’ sin 2  B s   to  Predict sin 2  B s   to 

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ Fermilab

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ sin 2  B s ~   0.7 WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD’07 (already in 05) sin 2  B s ~  0.33 WSH, Ma, arXiv: [hep-ph] 4 th generation “prediction” still robust, but needs LHCb to verify Also, Soni et al., arXiv: [hep-ph] Buras et al. arXiv: [hep-ph] Lenz et al., arXiv: [hep-ph] probably hadronic enhanced  s comment: probably hadronic enhanced  s sin 2  B s ≡ sin  s ≡  sin 2  s  s seems smaller Summer ’10 4G Rehab PRD’10

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ G Rehabilitation ~ 100 citations

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ _d_d d  KK u u BB sb t ’t ’ Surprise: B → K  DCPV Difference  A K      observed 2004; A K     not significant, but deviate by  Belle Nature 2008: b → s Z-penguin: Nondecoupled t ’ w/ - PQCD at LO WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRL, PQCD at NLO WSH, Li, Mishima, Nagashima, PRL, 2007 ⇨ Can in principle generate   A k  sin 2  B s   to  Predict sin 2  B s   to  Not anticipated ! 4.4  by single experiment Difference Is Large !   A k   t ’ t ’ t ’ t ’ Can determine full 4  4 by facing all flavor constraints WSH, Nagashima, Soddu, PRD, 2005 WSH Lin, Unno, WSH, Chang et al.

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ the 4G Leap One day late summer 2007, it occurred to me … If shift by One Generation in SM4 (need 3 generation in KM) Some J-like Object Gains 10  15 w/ 4 Generations WSH, arXiv: [hep/ph] Providence CJP’09 J arlskog invariant

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ 11 17

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ III. Strategizing NTUCMS 漢中策略 / Critical Mass / b ’ → t W

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ b ’ t ’ Find b ’, t ’, or Rule LHC 4 th 4 th generation? — The jury is out … In era of LHC, can Directly Search for b’, t ’ Once and For All ! It’s a Duty. Strategy Considerations ( ) All Tools Well shielded training ground — All Tools ☞ Move on to Greener Pastures ~ in 2 years Publish early — Large Cross Section - If “Limits”, then easy to publish - If “Signal”, Lucked Out! Strategic Planning for CMS Physics Analysis Vision ~ Early ’ 06 Well shielded Publish early WSH & Arhrib, JHEP’06 Take disfavored status of 4G to our advantage, i.e. as cover Act II

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ Taiwan Key: CERN 0  5  9 CERN 3/07 4/08 4/09 5 doctoral students $$$

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ Analysis Status pre- “ accident ” : b ’ → t W (PAS) 9/2008

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ IV. The 2008 Nobel: from KM to Nambu Large Yukawa, 〈QQ〉, UB ↝ Lattice _ Strategizing NCTS-North: LHC/Plasmonics/GPU

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ discover "for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry symmetry in subatomic physics" "for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature" Thoughts on the other 1/2 Nobel Prize Photo: Universtity of ChicagoPhoto: KEK Photo: Kyoto University Yoichiro Nambu Makoto KobayashiToshihide Maskawa 1/2 of the prize 1/4 of the prize USA Japan Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago Chicago, IL, USA High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Tsukuba, Japan Kyoto Sangyo University; Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP), Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan b (in Tokyo, Japan) b b SSB Could EWSB be due to b’ and t’ unitarity bound above unitarity bound ~ GeV ? Bob Holdom: N – J-L [Bardeen, Hill, Lindner Gustavo Burdman: “Holographic” 4th gen. 59 Need Study Platform Higgs-Yukawa on Lattice

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ Strong, Nonperturbative Yukawa sets in !

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ V. Money Matters & Summiteering 「 CHF Debt 」 / Beyond “ Conceptual ” / Vulcanized: Pixel I

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ 年 Money Matters & 攻頂之路 密辛  2008 年即從台大校長得知攻頂計劃方案,但表示不會申請,因覺得被認 為已拿太多錢,背上會挨滿箭  2009 年春得知被 CERN 認定 7 年來欠四十萬瑞郎,雖在半年内找到管道 還清,但認清參與 CERN 需要資源,開始認真考慮攻頂。  年粒子物理發展開始對四代夸克漸漸有利 …  2009 年 12 月提構想案,但硬體方案沒有著落 (rad. hard crystals?) 。  2010 年 4 月構想案審查通過,但有意見強調實驗必須有強的硬體方案 … … Iceland volcano  2010 年 5 月 6 日∶ 50 hour roundtrip to PSI near Zurich … Pixel I !  5 月 15 日 file proposal !

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ 11 27

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ 年 Money Matters & 攻頂之路  2008 年即從校長得知,但表示不會申請,因覺得被認為已拿太多錢,背 上會挨滿箭  2009 年春得知被 CERN 認定 7 年來欠四十萬瑞郎,雖在半年内找到管道 還清,但認清參與 CERN 需要資源,開始認真考慮攻頂。  年粒子物理發展開始對四代夸克漸漸有利 …  2009 年 12 月提構想案,但硬體方案沒有著落 (rad. hard crystals?) 。  2010 年 4 月構想案審查通過,但有意見強調實驗必須有強的硬體方案 … … Iceland volcano  2010 年 5 月 6 日∶ 50 hour roundtrip to PSI near Zurich … Pixel I !  5 月 15 日 file proposal ! 密辛

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ VI. “ Summit ” 3 + I Status

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ I + 4G Search arXiv: [hep-ex], based on 2010 data b’ heavier than 361 GeV Collider Pheno - Manpower at NTUHEP (jointly with Xiao-Gang) - Prelim. results: + New Yukawa Bound States? + nEDM4 perhaps accessible to SNS + Can generate BAU if assume bubble wall + Other … Lattice Yukawa - Contact with DESY-Zeuthen - New Cluster ~ May; will run larger lattice Phase-1 MB After > half year politics, Pixel Upgrade Phase-1 MB formed

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ ~ same as CDF 1/2011 update w/ 4.8 fb 

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ I+ 4G Search arXiv: [hep-ex], based on 2010 data b’ heavier than 361 GeV Collider Pheno - Manpower at NTUHEP (jointly with Xiao-Gang) - Prelim. results:  New Yukawa Bound States?  nEDM4 perhaps accessible to SNS  Can generate BAU4 if assume bubble wall  Other … Lattice Yukawa - Contact with DESY-Zeuthen; run smaller lattice - New Cluster ~ May; will run larger lattice Phase-1 MB After > 1/2 year politics, Pixel Upgrade Phase-1 MB formed Will aim for new NTU 「拔尖」 Project

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Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ Kobayashi’s Nobel slides J J seems short by at least   J arlskog invariant

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ What about Strength of Phase Transition? Higgs potential at T  0 regulate transition strength: bosons For m H > 72 GeV transition is a For m H > 72 GeV transition is a crossover ― rules out BAU in SM. ― rules out BAU in SM. Typically invoke SUSY: light stop Typically invoke SUSY: light stop With SM4, no new bosons  still insufficient With SM4, no new bosons  still insufficient W, Z Kajantie. Laine, Rummukainen, Shaposhnikov, 1996 Fok and Kribs, 2008 e.g. Carena, Quiros, Seco, Wagner, 2000 Caveats Pairing “ Nambu Pairing” or Condensate (Strong Yukawa !) could enter E(T) composite (Multi-)Higgs field likely composite in presence of Strong Yukawa Could nonperturbative Yukawa save the day? Lattice Higgs-Yukawa Lattice Higgs-Yukawa perturbative

Beyond KM – 4G George W.S. Hou (NTU) NTHU, Apr. ’ N.B. QCDF did not predict A K    ; SCET got wrong sign for   A k  but PQCD did predict (ca. 2001) sign and strength of A K    ; PAMELA ! PAMELA e + could be due to (near by) Pulsars (so, Astrophysics); see e.g. Hooper, Blasi and Serpico, JCAP01(2009)025 BUT THAT DIDN’T STOP DM PARTICLE SPECULATOR/THEORISTS Enhanced Color-suppressed C B → K  DCPV Difference could be due to “ Enhanced Color-suppressed C ” AND THIS SEEMS TO STOP FURTHER THOUGHTS ACROSS ATLANTIC !? What Theorists Should Do ! (like “Blind Analysis” )