1 Albert Einstein ( )
2 Einstein Stamp 1966
3 Albert Einstein ( )
5 Abraham Pais ( )
8 Enrico Fermi ( )
9 Laura Fermi: Emilio Segre:
10 Enrico Fermi was, of all the great physicists of the 20th century, among the most respected and admired. He was respected and admired because of his contributions to both theoretical and experimental physics, because of his leadership in discovering for mankind a powerful new source of energy, and above all, because of his personal character.
11 Edward Teller ( )
12 J.R. Oppenheimer ( )
13 C. N. Yang and Edward Teller (1992)
14 Yoichiro Nambu (1921- )
15 P.A.M. Dirac ( )
16 Werner Heisenberg ( )
17 you sometimes … want to climb some peak but there is fog everywhere … you have your map or some other indication where you probably have to go and still you are completely lost in the fog. Then … all of a sudden you see, quite vaguely in the fog, just a few minute things from which you say, “Oh, this is the rock I want.”
18 In the very moment that you have seen that, then the whole picture changes completely, because although you still don’t know whether you will make the rock, nevertheless for a moment you say, “… Now I know where I am; I have to go closer to that and then I will certainly find the way to go …”
19 So long as I only see details, as one does on any part of mountaineering, then of course I can say all right, I can go ahead for the next 15 yards, or 100 yards, or perhaps one kilometer, but still I don’t know whether this is right or may be completely off the real track.
20 W. Heisenberg
21 On May 4, when Colonel Pash, leading a small US detachment, came to take me prisoner, I felt like an utterly exhausted swimmer setting foot on firm land.
22 Snow had fallen during the night, and as I left, the spring sun shone down upon us out of a dark blue sky, spreading its brilliant glow over the snowy landscape. When I asked one of my American captors, who had fought in many parts of the world, how he liked our mountain lake, he told me it was the most beautiful spot he had ever seen.
23 What pains, what love, what memories, what primitive emotions he must have gone through in crafting this understated piece of literature thirty years after the event!
24 Abdus Salam ( )
25 Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar( )
26 K. C. Wali: