Graduation Project Part 2
The capital city of Germany is Berlin.
male: years female: years total population: years country comparison to the 81,471,834 country comparison to the world: 16
The dominant religion in Germany is cristianity of Protestant and Roman catholic.
German Hallo- Hello Wie geht es Ihnen-How are you Bitte- Please Danke- Thank you
Vatertag is like fathers day but in Germany. Today its like a guys night out and they go around to different pubs and drink all night.
1 1/2 tbsp. (heaping) flour 3 1/2 tbsp. butter 1 liter Beer 1 sm piece of cinnamon sugar to taste 2 Egg yolks 1/2 c. plus 1/2 tbsp. milk Toasted white (French) bread
Cologne, Chocolate Museum because it is a Museum and people to see how things developed in history. They can see what ingredients I takes to make choclate.