Chapter 28 Section 1
President Jimmy Carter President Carter had to deal with the economic problem of Inflation Carter’s major foreign policy crisis was the hostage crisis with Iran
The conservative Movement and President Ronald Reagan A political conservative believes in cutting federal government, deregulating business, and lowering taxes A social conservative believes in traditional family values, patriotism, and religion
The conservative Movement and President Ronald Reagan Reagan’s arguments for cutting government spending and taxes: He believed cuts would promote spending by taxpayers, which would help the economy by helping manufacturing and sales
The conservative Movement and President Ronald Reagan Reagan’s successes include being successful at communicating his optimism, helping to cut inflation and slow the growth of the federal government Reagan’s critics charged that his cuts hurt the poor and the environment while helping the wealthy.
President George H.W. Bush Bush broke his promise not to raise taxes because he believed it was the only way to combat the rising national debt A recession is a temporary economic slump
President Bill Clinton Bill Clinton was a “New Democrat.” This meant that he would provide an alternative to conservatism and liberalism Clinton’s economic policies included he would cut the size of government and reduce welfare. Still he would pay attention to those in need.
President Bill Clinton Clinton’s welfare reform included increased taxes for the wealthy, and reduced federal spending, ending federal welfare spending but providing grants to state and local antipoverty programs, limiting the time that benefits could be paid to encourage people to work.
President Bill Clinton A surplus is when the government receives more than it spends. Clinton’s presidency was weakened during his second term when he appeared to lie under oath about an improper relationship with a young intern.
President George W. Bush The presidential election of 2000 was controversial because Democrats believed that the election in Florida was unfair and wanted a recount. The Supreme Court stopped the recount and Bush won. Bush’s major domestic priorities included tax cuts and “No Child Left Behind.”