Retaining Talent Tim Hays
About Lextron Pharmaceutical Distribution (Animal Health) Employees: 600 Locations: 45 Sales: $500 million IT staff: 12 Software: custom development
Situation Finding local talent to replace specialized skill has been difficult It takes awhile to ramp up a new person due to the specialization in our environment Maintaining a blend of old and cutting edge technology
Retention Ideas Fire fast Environmentals: temp, touch, time Percentile pay evaluation Business meetings, talk about the business not IT Avoid company politics Celebrate often and buy lunch
Remaining Relevant New technology, new skills, personal development Empowering the employee, project management Creative financing Flexible work arrangement
Work Flexibility Flexible start/stop times, 12 hour coverage 2-days per month work from home ½ day off on Friday Mon and Fri work from home Transition from full-time to part-time, work from home
Making Flexibility Work This option can be taken away This is not a defined benefit Employee writes the rules You will be measured Trust